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他是从这两人身上学到的骗术。He’d learned to chisel from these two.

他用凿子把胶合板拆开。He broke away the veneer with a chisel.

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锤子和凿子的独特的使用方法。A unique method of using the hammer and chisel.

他们用凿子凿穿头骨。They broke through the skull by using a chisel.

他不允许任何人染指他的利润。He won't allow anyone to chisel in on his profits.

他正在用凿子在大理石上不停地凿。He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.

他只从自己有可能娶的女人那里弄钱。He would only chisel from a widow he might have married.

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日凿一窍,七日而混沌死。Japanese chisel an awakened, on the 7th and the chaos died.

对一个雕刻家来说,錾子和铁锤是不可缺少的工具。A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor.

锤击凿子时,视线应该集中凿切的地方。Concentrate on the place where the chisel cuts while hammering.

使用钢钎在草地,沥青地或其它松软场地上固定篷房。Steel chisel grassland, pitch surface ground or other soft ground.

洞窟由人工凿成,为元代所凿。The cave by artificial chiseled into, for the Yuan Dynasty chisel.

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我们有如宝石,需要经过苦难的锤凿来雕琢。We are like jewels, shaped with the hammer and chisel of adversity.

好让正在补旧袜跟的她们尖叫,所以我操起凿子和刨子。That patching old heels they may shriek, I take to chisel and plane.

用凿子把这塞子一头削尖点,使它能塞进孔里。Taper the plug off a bit with a chisel so that it will sit into the hole.

第一阶段使用锤子和凿子画大样。A hammer and chisel are used for the first stages of contouring a surface.

一支铁鎚、一把凿子,林渊就这样敲出了晚年丰富的创作世界。Lin Yuan skillfully wields hammer and chisel to create his stone sculptures.

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兔子被吓醒了,他实在忍耐不住,就操起一把锤子去凿那面墙。Rabbit was Xiaxing, he is anymore, picked up a hammer to chisel on that wall.

凿耕法和铧式犁翻耕法在短时间内使二氧化碳的排放增加。Chisel and moldboard plowing increased carbon dioxide emissions for a short time.

近看,耐人寻味,在粗犷的斧凿中行走着蜿蜒的线。Traceable among the rough marks of hatchet and chisel were delicate lines zigzagging.