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迟到两次等于缺席一次。Two lates equals an absence.

离别酒,我先干为敬。Absence of wine, I do for worship.

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我不在时他担任主席。He acted as chairman in my absence.

在我缺勤期间他代替了我。He took my place during my absence.

人不在不代表一定是去开会了。Not every absence is for a meeting.

即使我不在,他也不会悲伤痛苦的。He won't be distressed by my absence.

他的缺席使这支球队的实力削弱。The team was crippled by his absence.

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谁要你们家张郎!Who absence Zhang Lang in your house!

他离开期间工作堆积起来了。Work has piled up during his absence.

然而男人的缺席并非偶然。But the absence of men is no accident.

他的缺席给全队带来不便。His absence incommodes the whole team.

他已经请准一周的假了。He has got leave of absence for a week.

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爱情是否可以战胜一切?Does absence make the heart grow fonder?

他不肯来证明了他缺乏诚意。His absence spoke his lack of sincerity.

填一张请假申请单,我给你签字。Fill an absence form, and I will sign it.

你不在时,斯考特先牛给你们过电话。Mr. Scott phoned you during your absence.

他编造谎言为他的缺席开脱。He made up a story to explain his absence.

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他已经请准一周的假了。I would like to request a leave of absence.

不能由于他不在这里就不再演剧。The play should not be lost by his absence.

后脚的后方缺少各二只的悬空狼爪。Absence of double dewclaws on each rear leg.