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大多数操作符可以定义为成员函数或非成员函数。Most operators may be defined as member or nonmember functions.

它定义了一个成员操作符,并且有三个非成员操作符。It defines one member operator and has three nonmember operators.

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具有同一名字的成员函数和非成员函数不会相互重载。Member and nonmember functions with the same name do not overload one another.

中给出了成员和非成员二元操作符的良好例子。The Sales item class offers a good example of member and nonmember binary operators.

如果没有这个信息,银行保险非党无法查明可疑交易。Without this information, an insured nonmember bank is unable to identify suspicious transactions.

成员函数和非成员函数都是可能的,这一事实改变了选择候选函数集的方式。The fact that member and nonmember functions are possible changes how the set of candidate functions is selected.

银行的非党应维持适当的书面证据表明正在审查定期执行。The nonmember bank should maintain written evidence that the appropriate review is being performed on a regular basis.

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联邦存款保险公司确认,了解客户需求,将采取额外负担一些非党投保银行。The FDIC recognizes that a Know Your Customer requirement will impose additional burdens on some insured nonmember banks.

而确定操作符的使用时,操作符的非成员和成员版本可能都是候选者。When resolving the use of an operator, it is possible for both nonmember and member versions of the operator to be candidates.

对称的操作符,如算术操作符、相等操作符、关系操作符和位操作符,最好定义为普通非成员函数。Symmetric operators, such as the arithmetic, equality, relational, and bitwise operators, are best defined as ordinary nonmember functions.

所有文件审查以及核查所含信息、应保持的记录和非党库。All documentation reviewed, as well as verifications of the information contained therein, should be recorded and maintained by the nonmember bank.

如果准客户拒绝提供任何资料,良好做法,非党将要求银行帐户不开放。If a prospective customer refuses to provide any of the requested information, sound practices would require that the nonmember bank not open the account.

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拟议规则的设计是灵活投保,使每一个非党了解客户银行可以设计适合自己情况纲领。The proposed rule is designed to be flexible so that each insured nonmember bank can design a Know Your Customer program appropriate for its circumstances.

但是联邦存款保险公司并不认为这是一个非党切实可行银行进行了大规模的现有客户的所有信息请求。However, the FDIC does not believe that it is practicable for a nonmember bank to conduct a large- scale information request from all its existing customers.

而是一个非党不符银行应集中交易模式,而交易的孤立的危险因素,目前值得进一步检讨。Rather, a nonmember bank should focus on patterns of inconsistent transactions and isolated transactions that present risk factors that warrant further review.

而是它要求被保险监管体系,形成银行非党相称风险由银行帐户保持。Rather, it requires that an insured nonmember bank develop a monitoring system that is commensurate with the risks presented by the accounts maintained at that bank.

该系统可让每个投保银行自行设计非党纲领要按照自己的商业惯例,将适合非党库。The system approach allows each insured nonmember bank to design its own program, in accordance with its own business practices, that will best suit the nonmember bank.

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一旦失败,巴勒斯坦将直接上诉联合国大会,转而要求成为非会员的国家级观察员,即与梵蒂冈的地位相同。Security Council. If that fails, the Palestinians may appeal directly to the General Assembly for status as a nonmember state observer, the same status held by the Holy See.

了解客户的纲领,以最有效、必须与非党制定和实施银行业务和普通作法常记。The Know Your Customer program, in order to be the most effective, must be developed and implemented with the nonmember bank's regular and ordinary business practices in mind.

虽然非党有利投保银行这种弹性,难以预料的经济影响程度提出非党统治投保银行。While advantageous to insured nonmember banks, this flexibility makes it difficult to predict the magnitude of the economic impact of the proposed rule on insured nonmember banks.