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这就要看谁来当我们的班主任了。It will depend on who will be our headteacher.

我们班主任把我们班划分成八个小组。Our headteacher divided our class into eight groups.

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有些学生常常对班主任撒谎。Some students often tell lies with their headteacher.

我们的班主任的后面跟着一伙学生,走进了教室。Our headteacher entered a room, followed by a group of students.

班主任正在指导他的学生打扫卫生。The headteacher is directing his students to do a complete cleaning.

他的校长打电话来告诉我,Matthew在周五发病。I got a phonecall from his headteacher saying Matthew was taken ill on Friday.

我冲出办公室,面对面地碰上了班主任。I rushed out of the office and found myself face to face with the headteacher.

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我们班有61个学生,他们都非常友好,班主任姓王,我们和他相处地非常不错。Our class makes up of 61 students, they are all very friendly, the headteacher calls Mr. wang, we get along well with him.

班主任比一般意义上的心理医生做学生的心理咨询工作具有更大的优势。The headteacher of a class has more advantages in doing the psychological consultation for students than the psychologists.

之前,青春期是可取的讨论这个问题的信心与他的班主任和其他成员的工作人员谁需要知道。Before puberty it is desirable to discuss this in confidence with his headteacher and those other members of staff who need to know.

学校领导致力于建立来自教会的有力支持,从而创设出类拔萃的校园风气。The leadership of the acting headteacher is building on the strong support of the church to create a distinctive ethos for the school.

陈校长回国以后,与启聪学校全体教师分享了他在英国的感受和想法,对我校发展提出了新的要求。Headteacher Chen shared with all teaching staffs about the visiting to Bradfields school and made new requests on the development of Qicong School.

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一位开明的中学校长要求所有的中学与他一起在上午推迟两小时上课,给学生更多的睡眠时间。A pioneering headteacher is calling for all secondary schools to follow his lead and start classes at 11am, allowing teenagers two hours extra in bed.

一名班主任发给家长一封有14处拼写和语法错误的邮件之后,该校校长面红耳赤地为此道歉。A red-faced headteacher has apologised after a school report containing 14 spelling mistakes and grammatical errors was sent to a parent by a form tutor.

要从根本上提高校长培训的有效性,关键在于确立校长专业成长的自我更新取向。Headteachers directions of self-improvement are closely in line with the regular pattern of the headteacher professional development, and which soon after.

2004年底,符少苑女士作为校长再度被中国驻英大使馆推荐回国参加在广州召开的世界华文教育研讨会。At the end of 2004, Ms. Fu as a Headteacher was recommended by the UK Chinese Embassy again to attend the World's Chinese Education Conference in Guangzhou.

老师们将扮演坏学生的角色,他们迟到、咀嚼口香糖、交头接耳、被训斥和打小报告。Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the headteacher who is also a senior pupil.

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目前,她在英国一所特色技术学校中担任校长助理一职,负责学生及技术工作。In her current role she is an Assistant Headteacher in a Specialist Technology College, where she is responsible for Student Experience and New Technologies.

我知道很多父母就这一事件给校长打了电话,但我请求每个人都冷静下来,特别是涉案人员的亲属。I know a number of parents have rung the headteacher about what has happened but I would appeal for everyone to be calm, particularly in relation to those people involved.

而此时,在赵艾就读的小学,最大的教育难题则是“缺少食物”,据校长徐祖华称,营养不良严重阻碍了孩子们的生长发育并影响了其注意力保持集中。Meanwhile, at Zhao's primary, the big educational challenge is "no food", says headteacher Xu Zuhua. Malnutrition stunts her pupils' growth and hampers their concentration.