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也可以理解成“我很可爱”。" It also says, "I'm adorable.

这是上天安排的可爱的埋伏!Adorable ambuscades of providence!

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我收到了你的信,我崇拜的心上人。I have your letter, my adorable love.

她才生了个可爱的宝宝。She just gave birth to an adorable baby.

可爱的小点设计非常有趣。Polka-dot pattern offers adorable appeal.

这蝴蝶的绣花太漂亮了。The butterfly appliques are too adorable.

这个蛋糕总体上看很粉嫩,很温馨,惹人怜爱。In general this cake is pink, warm and adorable.

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这里的玻璃房非但可爱而且是难以置信的浪漫。The igloos are adorable and incredibly romantic.

啊,我们是耶鲁大学的学生。我们太可爱了。我们太了不起了。Oh, We go to Yale. We're so adorable. We're great.

我收到了你的信,我祟拜的心上人。To Josephine I have your letter, my adorable love.

山姆是个可爱的孩子,总是笑容满面的。He was adorable and always had a smile on his face.

明光是我的家乡那是个可爱的地方。Mingguang is my hometown, which is an adorable place.

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孩子们是最天真最可爱的。Children nare the most innocent and the most adorable.

你和你的朋友们都觉得他长得真可爱。And you and your friend have noticed him. He's adorable.

信不信由你,牛,这种可爱的动物并不仅仅用于食用。Believe it or not, this adorable animal is not only food.

但考贝克说,臭鼬身上没有哪一点能让人们喜欢。But Kaulback says there's nothing adorable about a skunk.

可不要拿我可爱的小跳跳虎和凯特来开玩笑啊。Don't hassle me about my adorable little Tigger and Kate.

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你还真小气但是很可爱。我只是选择了电影而已。Wow you are mean but adorable. I chose the movie over you.

一款由日本研制的超级萌猫耳,业已成为该国的最新时尚。They're adorable. They're also the latest fashion in Japan.

打开书和摸一摸,毛毛的,并且接触可爱的每一个!Turn the pages and pet, tickle, and touch each adorable one!