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这是反常的。This is unnatural.

上装过于浓艳看上去不自然。Too much make-up looks unnatural.

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嘿,这没有什么不正常的!Hey, nothing unnatural about that!

还有其他不自然的迹象。And there are other unnatural signs.

不为横死非命所夭。He will not suffer from unnatural death.

她匆促地讲着,自己觉得态度不大自然。She spoke hastily in an unnatural manner.

房间竟然这样整洁,真出乎所料。It be unnatural for the room to be so tidy.

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对于一只蝴蝶来说没有自由是违背自然规律的。It is unnatural for a butterfly not to be free.

这个人认为这样做是违反天理的罪行。The man felt it would be a crime most unnatural.

我担心那样做会使我的头发看起来不自然。I'm worried that it'll make my hair look unnatural.

客人应邀在不正常的时刻前来吃喝。One is called on to eat and drink at unnatural hours.

避免非天然添加剂、调味剂和防腐剂。Avoid unnatural additives, flavorings and preservatives.

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避免非自然添加剂,香料和防腐剂。Avoid unnatural addictives, flavorings and preservatives.

动作感觉很别扭不自然,这正常吗?The movements feel so weird and unnatural. Is this normal?

验尸官记录下一条非自然原因死亡的结论。The coroner recorded a verdict of death by unnatural causes.

如果是,为什么植物没有繁衍出任何非自然的植物呢?And if it is, why isn't plant breeding of any sort unnatural?

在所有对性的曲解中,一夫一妻制是最不合常理的。Of all the sexual perversions, monogamy is the most unnatural.

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他鼻子尖得很,有一点儿异味都闻得出来。He has such a keen nose that he can smell out anything unnatural.

这种对自然法则的解释起初让我感觉很不自然。Such explanations of the natural order felt most unnatural at first.

他们的奇怪的粗鄙的生活,在他看来,仿佛象刺猖的生活一样反乎自然。And their queer, crude life seemed as unnatural as that of hedgehogs.