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非得施以永无休止的痛苦才行吗?Is the unending infliction of pain also required?

太长期不要浸没ourself在这处罚。Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long.

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不要长时间沉浸在痛苦经历中。Don't immerse yourself in the infliction too long.

一种疼痛或痛苦的有意施加。Infliction of severe physical pain as a punishment or coercion.

还要考虑荷载的施加问题以及模型大小对解题的影响问题。In additional, the problems of load"s infliction and model"s size should be considered.

这种有计划,有系统,对囚犯会造成巨大痛苦的刑罚竟然被乔装成合法的过程。It wasthe intentional and systematic infliction of great suffering masquerading as alegal process.

但遗憾的是,该条并未明确什么样的程度构成“严重精神损害”。What a pity it fails to make clear to which degree shall a severe infliction of mental distress is.

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然而,性统治与性服从并不需要任何“束缚”或施以疼痛。However, sexual domination and submission do not require either restraint or the infliction of pain.

对道学家来说,出于善意而使用残酷手段是件快乐的事,这就是他们发明地狱的理由。The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists. That is why they invented Hell.

对道学家来说,出于善意而使用残酷手段是件快乐的事,这就是他们发明地狱的理由。The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists . That is why they invented Hell.

教学中的移情,一是教师个体情感对学生的情感施加影响。In the teaching of change mind, one is a teacher emotion infliction of individual emotion to student influence.

残酷乃是说服自己施加痛苦或有意忽略已经遭受的痛苦的结果。Cruelty is the result of talking oneself into the infliction of pain or into the conscious ignoring of pain already inflicted.

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进入大墓园东方的地下墓穴杀僵尸直到完成任务“食尸鬼假人”、“惩罚图腾”及“守夜人”。Enter the eastern catacomb and kill zombies until you complete "Ghoulish Effigy ", "The Totem of Infliction" and "The Night Watch".

与此同时,裴钰身上施加的力道消失,他翻身爬了起来,睁大眼睛看着颜修手里的杯子。Meanwhile, vanish on the strength of infliction of the body of Pei Yu, he cornered over a body to climb, Zheng big eyes looking by Yan to fix the cup in the hand.

这起诉讼也宣称她意图施加情绪暴力。并寻求伤害的医药费赔偿和其他情绪抑郁的花费。The lawsuit also alleges intentional infliction of emotional distress. It seeks unspecified damages and also payment of medical and other expenses related to emotional distress.

从而导致了在司法实践中,人们对“不加刑”的具体含义及适用范围缺乏统一的认识。However, because of the drawbacks in lawmaking, there is no consistent understanding of the specific definition and the applicable area of "appeal not infliction" principle in practice.

诽谤、侵犯隐私、泄密、侵犯版权和精神伤害只是新闻媒体可遭遇的部分民事诉讼类型而已。Lawsuits for libel, invasion of privacy, breach of confidence, copyright violation, and infliction of emotional distress are just a few types of civil action one can bring against the press.