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而和弦的变化往往都在重拍上But where they change oftentimes is on the downbeat.

神两次,三次,向人行这一切的事。Lo, all these things worketh God oftentimes with man

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的确,被判有罪者往往是罹难者的受害人Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured

我时常觉得,我行走于尘世林儒之间。Oftentimes it seems that I walk the earth among pygmies.

通常人们在悲伤的时候更容易信教。Oftentimes people become more religious in times of sorrow.

经常你们会被问到关于电离能。So, oftentimes you'll just be asked about ionization energy.

有时你想要做很多实际上完全没有必要的多修改。Oftentimes you’ll be tempted to do a lot more than necessary.

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它经常重复并且感觉比较对称。It oftentimes repeats and it can be symmetrical in that sense.

有时候,尤其是宗教也参与其中时,这种法律并非一种强制的实施。Oftentimes particularly when religion is involved, it's not enforcement.

如果她没有接纳我的一些习惯,我也不会对她的习惯了如指掌。I didn't get to know hermine. She oftentimes knows what I'm going to say.

练习经常涉及写作,显然地,也包括阅读练习。Oftentimes it involves writing and will be including, obviously, reading exercises.

你为失去而忧伤,产生矛盾的情感,但时常觉的解脱。You mourn the loss, have conflicting emotions –but oftentimes there's a sense of relief.

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自由职业者往往见多识广,这一点对别人很有用。Freelancers oftentimes have a broad spectrum of knowledge which can be helpful to others.

你的欢笑自常常充满了你泪水的同一井中涌出。And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.

因此伴奏的音域或者音高,常常告诉我们这个信息So range or position here in the accompaniment can oftentimes signal this information to us.

连你那涌溢欢乐的井泉,也常是充满了你的眼泪。And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. ?

疱疹病毒是一种不易被发现的病毒,很多携带者都不知道他们已经得了疱疹。The herpes virus is often a silent virus and many carriers oftentimes never know they have it.

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我们发现,经常闹臭虫的企业得歇业来处理这个问题。We're finding that businesses who have bedbugs oftentimes will close to remediate the problem.

很多时候,这些决策之所以不好,是因为它们错误地运用了空间、颜色、排布等因素。Oftentimes these decisions fall along the lines of misuse of space, color, alignment, and the like.

它们常常是一种集体的记忆,但我是唯一一个把它们变成诗歌的人。Oftentimes they are a collective memory, but I was the only one who chose to move them into poetry.