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护林员微笑了。The ranger smiled.

黄鸭与无敌铁金刚。Yellow duck and Power ranger.

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如果浪人芽你五的时间。If the ranger shoots you five time.

他停住了,回头看着护林员。He paused and glanced back at the ranger.

我打算把这个消息报告给这的守林人。I'm going to report it to the ranger here.

电力别动队蓝色声音游侠光新。Power Rangers Blue Ranger light of new voices.

相比较而言,孙悟空是一个孤胆英雄。In comparison, the Monkey King is a lone ranger.

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护林员把背包挂在他的肩膀上。The ranger slung the knapsack over his shoulder.

这安大略游侠加刀是第二代规格。This Ontario Ranger knife is the Spec Plus Gen II.

“现在你可真是搞砸了”护林员喘着气说道。" You've really fucked up now, " the ranger gasped.

一个刚果维龙加国家公园中写博客的营林员写道A blogger and ranger from Virgunga National Park wrote

在加利福尼亚的尤凯亚,一位停车场管理员我一些胡萝卜。A park ranger in Ukiah, California, gave me some carrots.

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如今翰达岛是自然保护区,由一个孤独的守林人负责看管。Today, Handa is a nature reserve overseen by a lone ranger.

我在布鲁克林做公园管理员,刚做完一个季度。I just finished my first season as a park ranger in Brooklyn.

护林员朝伐木路点点头,“那你就在前面走”The ranger nodded toward the logging road. " After you, then.

游客也可以参与到逼真的历史模仿和守林旅游中。They also may participate in living history and ranger tours.

护林员像研究一个箭头或者矛尖一样研究着它。The ranger inspected it as he might an arrowhead or spear point.

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护林员走进了一点,拣起了背包,退开了。The park ranger came closer, picked up the knapsack, and stepped away.

2008年,在马达加斯加岛,一名护林员正在查看一个河流两岸的蜘蛛网。A river-spanning spider web dwarfs a park ranger in Madagascar in 2008.

“在这个公园里携带枪支是非法的,”护林员回答道。" Possession of a firearm is illegal in the park, " the ranger replied.