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不要牛奶,我正在减肥。No milk. I'm slimming.

佐伊现在是一名瘦身顾问。Today she is a slimming consultant.

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双S减肥胶囊是怎样服用的?Double S how taking slimming capsule?

你有否参加过纤体服务?。Did you join slimming services before?

为什麽你会选择纤体中心?Why would you go to the slimming centre?

碧生源减肥茶反作用大吗?Bi reaction of students slimming tea big?

你每隔多久就会去纤体公司?How often do you visit the slimming companies?

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配合灵芝排毒茶瘦身功效加倍。Lingzhi Detox Tea slimming effect with the double.

美国人极其信赖非洲芒果的减肥功效Americans Swear by African Mango's Slimming Benefits

女性永远难逃减肥的魔爪。Woman can't run away from talon of slimming forever.

如果你想减肥,那么加入塑身俱乐部吧。If you're trying to lose weight, join a slimming club.

印度式蹲坐对调节和纤细你的腿有重要作用。Hindu squats are great for toning and slimming your legs.

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试试我们引进自亚洲的减肥茶!保证成功!Try our imported slimming tea from Asia! Success guaranteed!

你已使用该纤体公司的服务多久?。How long have you been using this slimming center's services?

你每月花费多少于纤体服务?。How much do you usually spend on your slimming services per month?

我就是腿和腰瘦削,能够用七点瘦动物减肥胶囊吗?I am the legs and waist obesity, can do seven thin plant slimming capsule?

你正在使用哪间纤体公司的服务?。Which of the following slimming center's services you are currently using?

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你会否因为纤体广告中的模特儿的身材而去纤体公司进行纤体?。Will you model for slimming advertisements for slimming body slimming away?

你认为该纤体公司的客户服务如何?。What do you think about the customer services of your slimming service center?

雅莉莎开什麽玩笑?那件洋装让你看起来很苗条,而且长度也让妳看起来比较高。Are you kidding?That dress is so slimming , and the lenght makes you look taller.