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因为它使我们丧失了永生。It robs us of immortality.

永生无疑很棒。Immortality would be wonderful.

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又黑又瘦的永生被镀成金色。Meager immortality black and gilded.

可没有东西长生不死?Is there no such thing as immortality?

人们总是梦想长生不死。Men have always dreamed of immortality.

他们让我们相信永垂不朽。They make us believe immortality exists.

这才是永生所导致的真正糟糕的结果。This is the true awfulness of immortality.

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神话里的蟠桃具有长生不死的功效。The peach of immortality in Chinese mythology.

所以我们最终得出灵魂不朽的结论。So we got the immortality of the soul after all.

但对西斯而言,永生的追求只是枉然。But for a Sith, immortality was a futile pursuit.

苏格拉底相信灵魂是不朽的Socrates believes in the immortality of the soul.

他妈的,于静丽吃屎,不死也没用。Fuck, eat shit in Li Jing, immortality is useless.

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火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality.

在基督教中,孔雀是永不磨灭的标志。In Christianity the peacock is a symbol of immortality.

人们自古以来就梦想着永垂不朽。People have dreamt of immortality since time immemorial.

与别人分享你的知识是永垂不朽的途径之一。Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.

但在精神上,不朽,将会成为人类的终结。But, psychologically, immortality would be the end of us.

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于是仙人给了他研习仙术的书籍。Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study.

“英名不朽”这句大话,毕竟是多么空虚!How idle a boast, after all, is the immortality of a name!

它打扰你一小时,偿还给你的却是不朽的生命。It troubles you for an hour, it repays you by immortality.