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有消息称,国内现在库存积压物总值已达3万亿元之巨。It is reported that China is now overstock goods reached 3 trillion yuan worth is huge.

OverStock的面试是两天,第二天还去了SnowBird滑雪。My interview with was two days, with the 2nd day on the slopes at Snowbird.

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很遗憾,由于目前我们存货过多,本公司不能购买贵方所报价之货物。We regret that we are unable to take the goods offer by you owing to our be overstock at present.

很遗憾,由于目前我们存货过多,本公司不能购买贵方所报价之货物。We regret that we are unable to take the goods offer by you, owing to our are overstock at present.

我期望在Overstock会有所改善,希望能在来年能有更多的技术文章。At, I expect that to change and hope to have more technical articles in the coming year.

另外,为缓解网络中业务的积压问题,提出了业务积压分解策略。In addition, to lessen the traffic overstocked in the network, an overstock resolve scheme is provided.

避免药库药品的紧缺与积压,是保证医院正常运转的前提。It is the premise for a hospital running normally to avoid shortage and overstock of storehouse medicine.

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立案阶段的调解应当坚持以效率、快捷为原则,避免案件在立案阶段积压。Mediation after acceptance should be principled on effectiveness and efficiency, so as to avoid overstock.

沃库在上诉中说,它利用参考价格来促销是遵循“标准的行业惯例”。In its appeal, Overstock said it followed "standard industry practices" to come up with its reference prices.

“哎呀,我认为这已证明这个‘标价’是过份夸张的,”沃库在一份备忘录说。"Oh I think it's been established that the 'List Price' is egregiously overstated, " one Overstock memo said.

随着房地产业的兴起,商品房屋的销售价格较高,从而导致商品房屋的积压。Higher sale price of commodity houses cause commercial house overstock along with the development of real estate.

第四,当你去搜罗一些聚会礼品时,网络上一些库存过多的网站也是个不错的选择。Fourth, the overstock sites on the Net are also interesting choices when it comes to your search for party favors.

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例如,你可以考虑访问一个又一个的货源充足的站点,在线操作。For example, you might want to consider visiting one or another of the overstock sites that are in operation online today.

这些问题都使得备件库存供应与实际需求不符,造成积压或缺货。All of these problems will result in unconformity of supplies and demands of spare parts, and arose overstock or out of stock.

经济危机是市场经济的产物,其实质是无效供给过多,有效需求不足。Economic crisis is the child of market economy, it is invalid overstock character actually, significant demand is insufficient.

我返回丹佛,度过了在TWC公司的最后几个星期,又去玩了几天的滑雪,然后前往犹他州参加OverStock的面试。I returned to Denver for my last week at TWC, enjoyed a couple days of skiing, then headed to Utah for an interview with

传统供应链因结构性内生的问题-牛鞭效应往往使企业响应迟缓,库存大量积压。The problem of traditional supply chain structure-bullwhip effect is considered to make enterprise response slow and overstock inventory.

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对积压房地产项目核发换地权益书是海南处置积压房地产实践中创设的一项制度。Issuing Land Exchange Books to overstock real estate programs is a system set up to handle the keep-long-in-stock real estates in Hainan Province.

由于库管人员对库存信息不清楚,导致了库管人员随机性地采购刀具,最后就造成了严重的库存积压和资金浪费。As storage administrators are unclear of storage information, which results in purchasing cutting tools random and at last serious overstock and fund waste.

价格补贴契约作为常见的供应链契约之一,主要通过供应商分担零售商的过剩库存风险来进行渠道激励。Markdown-Money Contract, as one of the common Supply Chain Contracts, chiefly proceeds its channel motivation by means of supplier's share for retailer's overstock risk.