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一个医生建议她去找有酬劳的工作。A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.

这是一个伟大的高额利润回报的市场,甚或价格高的离格。It's a vast and remunerative market even with high prices.

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这是一个巨大的高额利润回报的市场,甚至价格高的离谱。It's a vast and remunerative market even with high prices.

这是一个伟大的高额利润回报的市场,甚或者价格高的离格。It's a vast and remunerative market even with hellogh prices.

为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.

为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.

员工在休年假期间,不得从事任何有报酬的活动。Employee shall not engage in any remunerative activity during his annual leave.

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你们担心工资最高的工作,不一定是最有意义、最令人满足的工作。The most remunerative choice, you fear, may not be the most meaningful and the most satisfying.

有些航海之旅能让你大有斩获,甚至有助你支付旅行的费用。Some sailings can be so remunerative that the experience might even help you to pay for your cruise.

经济效益最好的植棉业已从传统的东南棉区转移到西南部的大片灌溉地。The most remunerative growing has shifted from the traditional southeastern producing region to the irrigated lands of the Southwest.

经济学家认为,这些人,提供了”使得宏观发明得以高度高产和高回报的微观发明需要“。Such men, the economists argue, provided the “micro inventions necessary to make macro inventions highly productive and remunerative.”

休产假的女职员不得从事有报酬或任何可能危害其健康的活动。A female employee on maternity leave shall not be permitted to engage in remunerative work or in any activity likely to endanger her health.

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他说自己深信法学院里承诺的前景美好的职业生涯都是空谈,并对此非常愤慨。He said he was “resentful at the thought that I was convinced to go to law school by empty promises of a fulfilling and remunerative career.”

然而事实却是在20世纪60年代的巴黎,当他突然找到这一极其古怪却又极为有利可图的风格时,便再也没有什么能激发他继续发展了。The truth though was that once he had hit upon his particular kinky and highly remunerative style in Paris in the 1960s he found no incentive to develop.

有效的报酬激励机制,能协调经理与股东的目标,使经理努力实现企业价值最大化。An effective remunerative impellent mechanism can harmonize the target of managers with that of stock holders and make managers realize the enterprises maximized value.

虽然大部分区域被规划为居民区,工业区,或其他房地产区,但偶然你也可以通过获批建造更多的其它形式的有偿地产。But sometimes you can upgrade real estate by building a more remunerative type as permitted , or by going to city hall to get the land rezoned for a higher type of use.

这是为了确保天然橡胶价格仍然有利可图,以超过300万小农家庭,也为消费者公平与合成橡胶的价格。This is to ensure that the natural rubber price remains remunerative to over three million smallholder households and also fair for consumers relative to synthetic rubber price.

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为了过上得体并且人道的生活,我们必须提供良好教育,合理报酬的工作,舒适的居住环境,上等的衣物以及有效并且有同情心的医护救治。For a decent and humane life we must also provide an opportunity for good education, remunerative employment, comfortable housing, good clothing and effective and compassionate medical care.