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重心在悬挂点下面。Center of mass below the suspension point.

它是第一座眼杆式悬索桥。It was the first eyebar suspension bridge.

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要等我们打赢了这场战争,我的思想才有着落。My mind is in suspension until we win the war.

暂停与钩环启动钩绑腿。Suspension gaiters with hook and loop boot hook.

还有坦桑尼亚首相的停职。The suspension of the prime minister of Tanzania.

但是他没有说暂停会持续多长时间。He did not say how long the suspension would last.

唯一遗憾的是我得到了一个红牌。Red card , it will earn me a one-match suspension.

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这是塔古斯河上有名的吊桥。This is the famous suspension bridge on the Tagus.

试想一下另外如降落伞绳索和吊桥上的绳索。Think parachute cords and suspension bridge cables.

其它全避震系统在刹车情况下效果不佳。Other full suspension systems firm up under braking.

暂停接待倒伸缩,弹簧,阻尼油。Suspension Rear Linky type, coil spring, oil damped.

疏影临书卷,清光皓月悬。Thin film the scroll, clear bright light suspension.

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然后一场禁噻使他错过了去巴勒莫的行程。Then a one-game suspension to miss the trip to Palermo.

将吊笼空载提升300毫米左右高度停止。Lift the suspension coop vacant load for 300mm and stop.

对迈尔斯说来,念念货币经可算是一种排遣思想的手段。Talking money was a form of mental suspension for Miles.

古代的中国人建造过麻绳悬索桥。The early chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope.

格里马开始经受被停赛八场的处罚。Grima has started to work off his eight-match suspension.

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马尼切在三场停赛后归来。Maniche serves the last game in a three-match suspension.

他们愿意把你的开除改成留校查看。They're willing to turn your expulsion into a suspension.

科斯切尔尼结束禁赛复出,他将会参加比赛。Koscielny is back from suspension and he will be involved.