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这里面有点窍门。There's a knack in it.

我真羡慕拉腊的烹饪本领。She just seems to have the knack.

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他教算术有诀窍。He has a knack of teaching arithmetic.

显然,范尼有激励学生的妙招。Clearly, Finnie has a knack for inspiration.

杰克有一种走到哪里都能交到朋友的本事。Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes.

韩佳,我看你啊还是没找到巧劲儿。Han Jia, I think you still lack the knack for dexterity.

格林布拉特先生深谙与女主角合作的诀窍。Mr. Greenblatt had a knack for working with female leads.

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做煎蛋饼并不难,但有窍门。Making omelettes isn't difficult, but there's a knack to it.

但是用钢条磨刀并非易事,这需要熟练的技巧和巧妙的方法。It is difficult to use steel bar and there is knack to use it.

你似乎有本事睁眼说瞎话。You seem to have a knack for underrestimating the exceptional.

一些蝙蝠好象拥有诀窍,总是能够找到与众不同的地方去睡觉。Some bats seem to have a knack for finding unusual places to sleep.

除了绘画以外,华特还学会了表演技巧。Besides drawing, Walt had picked up a knack for acting and performing.

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她不知疲倦的工作,而且能够记住每个人的名字。She worked tirelessly and had the knack of remembering everyone's name.

普通税票不漏掉,小小诀窍真见效。The ordinary tax receipt does not leave out, the small knack is really effective.

我们之所以能看懂这些符号,是因为大脑在长期的进化中,掌握了娴熟的语言技巧。That's because humans have evolved a brain with an extraordinary knack for language.

他断言,真心微笑的诀窍就是用劲收缩脸颊两侧的肌肉。He assures me that the knack is to flex the muscles on the side of your cheeks, hard.

终其一生,爱泼斯坦有一个技巧,去满足了那些可以进一步发展他事业的人。Throughout his life, Epstein had a knack for meeting people who could further his career.

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她更明白赢得关键比分的决窍以及如何保持不败。She understands a lot better about the knack of winning crucial points and staying on top.

当他十几岁时,他巳经拥有了一种超越自身年龄的即席演奏技巧。By the time he was a teen, he had developed a knack for improvisation way beyond his years.

四岁的小孩有一个本领,将他们周围的整个世界带进自己的游戏领域。Four-year-olds have a knack for bringing the whole world around them into the realm of play.