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你好。玛戈特。这都是我的荣幸。Hello, Margot. The pleasure's all mine.

玛戈为自己的恢复而表感激。Margot is grateful for her own recovering.

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这是玛戈特,她也是你们组的一员。And this is Margot. She's also part of your team.

玛戈5000已经购置的,法国,比利时和卢森堡。MARGOT 5000 has been procured by France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

我姐姐玛戈特1926年出生在德国美因河畔的法兰克福。My sister Margot was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany in 1926.

玛戈特向远处打个滚,用一个舞蹈少女的跳跃站起来面对着他。Margot rolled away, and in a dancer's spring was on her feet facing him.

全世界上亿男人迷恋着玛戈特·阿什顿的这张脸。A hundred million men all over the world were in love with the face of Margot Ashton.

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爸爸妈妈出去了,玛格特也和她的朋友打乒乓球去了。Father and Mother are out and Margot has gone to play Ping-Pong with some other young people.

“成为路易斯·莱恩”特辑访谈诺尔·尼尔,马戈特·基德尔,丹娜·德莱尼和埃里卡·乔杰斯。"Being Lois Lane" featuring interviews with Noel Neill, Margot Kidder, Dana Delaney and Erica Durance.

该创业计划中包括挖走费尔曼的得力干将洛利和重要客户玛格特。The business plan includes poached Fireman's effective go-getters Margot Raleigh, and important customers.

柏林自由大学的地质学家玛格特·波瑟也反对这个突如其来建立一个新时代的想法。Margot Böse, a geologist at Berlin's Free University, also rejects the idea of the sudden onset of a new epoch.

欧盟的副主席马尔格特.华尔斯特隆,欧盟资历最高的女性,她情愿这么认为。Margot Wallstrom, a vice-president and thus the most senior woman in the European Commission, rather thinks so.

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佛罗拉大街的一侧坐落着由诺曼·福斯特设计的晶莹剔透的玛戈和比尔温斯皮尔歌剧院。ON ONE side of Flora Street is the Bill and Margot Winspear Opera House, an airy space designed by Norman Foster.

在她被捕后的七个月,安妮·弗兰克在卑尔根—贝尔森集中营死于伤寒,与姐姐玛戈·弗兰克的离世只有几日之遥。Seven months after her arrest, Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, within days of the death of her sister, Margot Frank.

在她被捕后的七个月,安妮·弗兰克在卑尔根—贝尔森集中营死于伤寒,与姐姐玛戈·弗兰克的离世只有几日之遥。Seven months after her arrest, Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, within days of the death of her sister, Margot Frank.

联合国冲突中性暴力特别代表,玛格丽特·瓦尔斯特伦姆看望了受害者,也看到维和人员正尽全力保卫着这一大片地区。Margot Wallstrom, UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, visited victims and saw peacekeepers trying their best to secure a vast area.

据NPR新闻的玛戈·阿德勒报道,纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫已签署行政令,允许选民在州内任意一处投票站投票。NPR's Margot Adler reports an executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo allows people to file a provisional ballot at any polling site in the state.

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约翰昵•方檀站了起来,他痛恨这个躺在地板上的女人,但她的美却是一种有魔力的盾牌。Johnny Fontane got up. He hated the woman on the floor but her beauty was a magic shield. Margot rolled away, and in a dancer's spring was on her feet facing him.

六年级结束的时候,我和科普卢斯夫人都流下了离别的眼泪,因为我被犹太公立中学录取了,而玛戈特也在那里读中学。At the end of the year we were both in tears as we said a heartbreaking farewell, because I'd been accepted at the Jewish Lyceum, where Margot also went to school.