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但是这仅仅是个猜测。But this is only speculation.

和猜测仍然蕴积。And speculation still simmers.

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小心过分推测。Beware of excessive speculation.

所有归纳推理都是一种猜测。Every induction is a speculation.

他的投机使他陷于赤贫。His speculation reduced him to beggary.

最后,我已经嗅出了迷茫在空中投机的味道。Finally, I sniff speculation in the air.

但PTZ发布招标后,传闻不攻自破。But PTZ issue a tender, dispel speculation.

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古天乐死在了自己的猜测中。Louis Koo died in his own speculation in the.

李湘跳槽副台长蓄意炒作还是真有其事?Is Li Xiang's job-hopping true or speculation?

这样的想法作为炒作的噱头。The idea of laugh uproariously as speculation.

包括套期保值、套利及投机。Including hedging, arbitraging and speculation.

叶公瑾在猜测左少卿的企图。Leaf GongJin ZuoShaoQing attempt in speculation.

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当然,所有这些终究只是推测。Of course, all of this is ultimately speculation.

我们面临的另一个问题是金融投机。We also have the problem of financial speculation.

他在股市投机买卖中倾家荡产。He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.

投机可能赚钱,也可能赔钱。People may earn money or lose money in speculation.

今天,一个传言为女人们的说笑蒙上了阴影。Today the ladies' banter is darkened by speculation.

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这是发改委官方第一次做出的这样的推测。It was the first such speculation by an NDRC official.

记者的猜测得到了多乐士经销商的证实。Press speculation has been confirmed by Dulux dealers.

极端乐观主义纵容了疯狂的投机事业。Extraordinary optimism sustained an orgy of speculation.