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肌酸应该跟单醣一起服用。Creatine should be taken with a simple carbohydrate.

其血凝素受体为糖类。The receptor for hemagglutinin may be a carbohydrate.

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大量的面包物质,非常高的碳水化合物的含量。Heavily breaded for substance. Very high carbohydrate content.

饲料糖越高鱼体内糖原含量越高。Glycogen increased with increasing of dietary carbohydrate level.

对嗜热链球菌进行葡萄糖、麦芽糖和蔗糖的发酵试验。Thermophilus carbohydrate fermentation, and glucose is used for S.

醣类计算法可帮助您选择所吃的食物和份量。Carbohydrate counting can help you choose what and how much to eat.

选择低脂肪,但具有较高的碳水化合物含量的食物。Choose foods that are low-fat but have a high carbohydrate content.

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在正常饮食中,应摄入多少糖或脂肪How many grams of carbohydrate or fat should go into a normal diet?

每克蛋白质或碳水化合物产生4卡Protein and carbohydrate have 4 calories per gram, per unit weight.

光强和光质对碳水化合物含量有显著影响。There was significant difference in the carbohydrate contents of G.

反之,选择淀粉类的食物可以增加碳水化合物的摄取。Instead, opt for starchy foods to increase your carbohydrate intake.

“米饭,面包等碳水化合物容易发胖,绝对不要吃。”"Rice, bread etc. the carbohydrate easily deliver fat, will never eat.

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食品加工者也把碳水化合物组成的知识用于实际工作。Food pressers also make practical use of carbohydrate composition data.

当然,碳水化合物是延长忍耐力必要的燃料。And yes, carbohydrate is the essential fuel for prolonged endurance activity.

在发表这篇论文后他们离开罗斯威尔。The Coris left Roswell after publishing their work on carbohydrate metabolism.

红光处理有利于干物质和碳水化合物的形成与积累。RL was better to the formation and accumulation of dry matter and carbohydrate.

喝酒的那天,你得保持碳水化合物、脂肪的摄入量不要太多。You'll need to keep your carbohydrate and fat intake low on the days you drink.

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每一种食物都有它的一个糖类相对吸收速度的高低值。Each kind of food has its a carbohydrate relatively high absorption rate low value.

如果存在碳水化合物,在液面交接处就有紫色环生成。If carbohydrate is present, a violet ring will form at the junction of the liquids.

碳水化合物部分由半乳糖、糖胺、藻糖和唾液酸组成。The carbohydrate portion is made of galactose, glucosamine, fucose and sialic acid.