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先把才子分为出人头地与怀才不遇两种。First with wit is divided into two unsuccessful preeminence.

先生,这辆汽车质量超群,你试开一下就知道了。Sir, this car quality preeminence , you tried to open to know once.

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现在,一些人相信党派的卓越性正受到挑战。Now some believe that the clan's preeminence is already being challenged.

他们主张,中国需要利用她日益强大的力量和经济资源去建立一个属于自己的卓越的地位。They argue that China needs to use its growing power and economic resources to build its own position of preeminence

最后,我简要谈一下美林将如何充分运用这些力量在金融服务业中追求卓越。Finally, I'll talk briefly about how Merrill Lynch is leveraging these forces to achieve preeminence in financial services.

首先,我们可以很容易地回答第二个问题,因为美国是在最近几十年才逐渐走上历史舞台的。We can answer the second question first, and quite easily, because America’s global preeminence is a relatively recent phenomenon.

近期美元回升,但钱斯说美元的卓越性难以保证,其面临的威胁不应当被忽视。The U. S. dollar has had a bounce recently, but Chance said the currency's preeminence isn't guaranteed and threats aren't forgotten.

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这一秩序将美国的主导权和对各国主权及普遍原则、一般规则的尊重和认可融合在一起。It fused American preeminence with respect for the sovereignty of all nations and deference to universal principles and general rules.

很多观察家把中国在财力和权力上的崛起看成对美国显要地位的直接挑战。Many observers view China's return to wealth and power as a direct threat to the preeminence of the United States. However, as Chas W.

本厂坚持“诚信、合作、共蠃”及”追求卓越”的经营理念,竭诚为客户服务。We insist "honesty , cooperation , win-win" and "pursuing preeminence " as our operation principle, we will try our best to serve you.

你如果不让主居首位,也不享受主,即使只有一个月,召会生活就可能对你成为不愉快的地方。If you do not give the preeminence to the Lord or enjoy the Lord, even for a month, the church life may become an unpleasant place to you.

一个好勇斗狠、日益现代化的日本在1895年在朝鲜半岛和满洲打败清帝国,在亚洲声名雀起。An emboldened, modernizing Japan marks its preeminence in Asia in 1895 by battering the armies of China's Qing dynasty in Korea and Manchuria.

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美苏在冷战期间竭尽全力争夺在太空中的优势,由此形成了阿波罗计划的背景。The Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. formed the backdrop of the Apollo program, as the two superpowers jockeyed for preeminence in space.

富有激情与活力的法兰西文明孕育了法国民族自豪感与追求独立自主、木秀于林的精神。Full of passion and vitality, French civilization gave birth to the French sense of national pride, and spirit of pursuing independence and preeminence.

现在的科学研究可能用英语发表的比任何其它语言都更多,而且英语在商业使用方面的卓越是无可置疑的。Now more scientific research is probably published in English than in any other language, and the preeminence of English in commercial use is undoubted.

一些日本观察家把中国的绿色汽车项目与苏联卫星“伴侣号”相比较,苏联当时藉此超越了美国科技领先地位。Some Japan watchers compare China's green car project to Sputnik, the Soviet satellite that trumped American preeminence in science and technology in the 1950s.

弗洛伊德,谁曾住在伦敦,他的家人自从1933年离开柏林,他10时,已透过他的人形无情知觉的领先地位。Freud, who has lived in London ever since his family left Berlin in 1933 when he was ten, has achieved preeminence through his ruthless perception of the human form.

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巍山彝族打歌的典型性与杰出性,在于其悠久的历史、完整的结构、丰后的内涵、多重的功能和珍贵的价值等。The preeminence and quintessence of the Yi's Dage in Weishan live in its long history, integrated configurations, rich cultural connotations, different values and functions, etc.

八十年代末美国丢掉了它在工业机器人方面的领先地位,所以许多焊接、喷涂和装配的机器人都是从日本和欧洲进口。The U. S. lost its preeminence in industrial robotics at the end of the 1980s, so that nearly all robots for welding, painting and assembly are imported from Japan or Europe. The U.

“追求卓越”的广西水电工程局企业精神在乐滩水电站工程施工中得到了充分体现。"To pursue preeminence" is the enterprise spirit of Guangxi Hydroelectric Construction Bureau, which has been fully displayed in the construction of Letan Hydropower Station Project.