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脑残这个绰号更适合你。Brainless would be a more apt moniker for you.

每张照片都取名为“闭上你的双眼,和世界说永别。”Each bore the moniker "Close Your Eyes and Say Goodbye."

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克莱尔夜夜提醒着我,狗名副其实是人类最好的朋友。This is my nightly reminder of how dogs earned the moniker Man's Best Friend.

好的,前阵子我说过,我们将至少,要使用这个绰号几周。Well, a while back I said that we'll use it at least for a few weeks this moniker string.

杰克森对此毫不在乎甚至把驴子当作个人象征。It was a moniker Jackson didn't mind one bit and he kept the donkey as his personal totem.

中国顶级的政策顾问,如经济学家吴敬琏先生,他最终被人起了个“吴市场”的绰号。Top policy advisors such as economist Wu Jinglian -- who eventually earned the moniker "Mr.

所有的亡灵玩家还堂而皇之的被冠上一个被遗忘者的美名。The souls of all the players will also have glamorous moniker a reputation as a forgotten person.

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当参与者终于收到那个指定的标识符后,就将其嵌入到他们的安全技术上。Participants eventually receive the designated moniker and insert it into their security technology.

Flibanserin被广泛吹捧是“女用伟哥”,虽然这个名字并不十分准确。Flibanserin has been widely touted as the "female Viagra, " though the moniker is not quite accurate.

第一个被害人是在西雅图南部格林河畔被发现的,这也是瑞奇维绰号的来源。The first victims turned up near the banks of the Green River south of Seattle, giving Ridgway his moniker.

买家肯定会保持GE的名字,并保留这个经过多年才建立起来的品牌资产。A buyer would surely be motivated to keep the GE moniker and retain the brand equity built up over many years.

与此同时,这颗新的外行星的漆黑或许给TrES-2b提供了一个更易于记住的名字,基平说。Meanwhile, the very darkness of the new exoplanet suggests perhaps a catchier moniker for TrES-2b, Kipping said.

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通常,贡扎加会用挑选到主题的首字母,来让情侣们给对方编绰号。Typically, Gonzaga gives the subjects initials to choose from, and the couple uses them to come up with a moniker.

有些提到她的“小红点”,但新加坡出席今天在世界上的名字比较大。Some refer to her as the "little red dot", but Singapore's presence in the world today is larger than that moniker.

你可能更清楚“prunes”这个名字,自然联想到护养院及浴室习惯。You may know these better by the moniker "prunes" which are indelibly linked with nursing homes and bathroom habits.

很自然地,我痛恨电视台对“出麻烦的郊区”的“狂轰滥造”的报道,或者任何他们急中生智想出来的类似“可爱”的绰号。I naturally hated television's "team coverage" of "suburbia gone wrong" or whatever similar cute moniker they came up with.

连环杀手的原始版本到下了根德的名字于1992年发布的所有专辑名不符实。The original version of "Serial Killer" from the fabled "Into Everything" album released under the Grundig moniker in 1992.

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约有11万日本猕猴居住在日本,其中7000只住在本州岛严冷而多雪的高山,使它们赢得了“雪猴”的别名。Some 110,000 live in Japan, 7,000 of them in the cold, snowy alps of Honshu, where they have earned the moniker "snow monkey."

由于他根本不把这项运动的危险和仅有的规则放在眼里,因此获得了“自大狂”的绰号。He earned the moniker "Arrogant One" due to his flagrant disregard for the hazard of the sport and what few rules governed the races.

模型潜在地处于被误导、及无知冠以其一个纯粹代表产品特征的破旧称号的危险之中。the model is potentially in danger of misdirection and ignorance rendering it a worn-out moniker that represents mere product features.