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允许我船出港吗?Am I permitted outward?

肘关节向外打开。Draw your elbows outward.

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出口引水员下船?。DOP Dropping?outward pilot?

我拥有这么多同船出国的旅伴。I had such company outward bound.

出门在外,一切小心!Do be careful in your outward time.

他外出旅行不知所终。He got lost on the outward journey.

门外的这只貛正在看什么?What's the outward badger looking at ?

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随着成本下降,粉丝字幕流传出来。As costs fell, fansubbing spread outward.

给您的头发做成向里卷还是向外卷?。Shall I make your curls inward or outward?

一只脚是否比另一支向外转多了。Is one foot more turned outward than the other?

足球青少年运动员的外向,忍耐性强。Soccer young athletes outward , strong tolerance.

结果就是房屋下外爆开。The result is that the building explodes outward.

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你不会的“T希望他们能弯曲或向外翻。You don"t want them to be curved or to turn outward."

双手向上伸直,拳头向外,向外打圈。Hands up unbend, fist to outside, outward dozen circle.

这种会议,由县长召集,在县署开。Talk about to open outward with my economy development.

去极化刺激仅可诱发出一外向电流。Membrane depolarization could revoke an outward current.

双螺旋桨在向前推进时向内旋还是外旋?Do twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead?

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阿萨姆说,外在的行为可能使人误解。Assem Abdel Maged says outward demeanor could be misleading.

表示事物外现着自身的某种情状。Indicating something with a certain state of itself outward.

外观如水滴形成扁圆体。The outward appearance like waterdrop forms the oblate body.