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晾凉后稍微切碎。Let cool and then chop coarsely.

苹果切成粗丁加入面糊后倒入备好的派饼。Add in the coarsely diced apples and spread evenly into the prepared crust.

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两足缠过,众宫娥草草做了一双软底大红鞋替他穿上。Paying little heed, they put on him a pair of soft red shoes, which, however, were coarsely made.

挤压菠菜,把所有多余的汁液挤干净。把菠菜放在菜板上,切段。Squeeze the spinach to remove all excess liquid. Place the spinach on a chopping block and chop coarsely.

对图像进行自适应四叉树分割,并构造粗糙的均值图像。A self-adaptive quad-tree is used to partition the original image, then structured coarsely mean value image.

苔丝认出他来了,他就是那个在酒店里对她说粗话被克莱尔打倒的有钱的村夫。She recognized in him the well-to-do boor whom Angel had knocked down at the inn for addressing her coarsely.

该设备能将浸渍好的玉米颗粒粗破成4-6瓣,使玉米胚芽游离出来。The bulge-toothed mill can coarsely mill the corn grains into 4-6 segments to dissociate the plumule of the corn.

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上面叶片5-10厘米宽具皱褶基部楔形边缘具粗圆齿先端钝脉扇形网状。Upper leaf blades 5-10 cm wide corrugate base cuneate margin coarsely crenate apex obtuse veins flabellate netted.

另外,委员会为求合理化将香港电台撇除在检讨范围之内,在报告当中粗疏地否定香港电台的存在价值。Moreover, the Committee tried to justify its argument to shove RTHK away by coarsely denying RTHK's value of existence.

甘笋、红椒和冬菇切成粗条,豆腐切成大粒。将酱汁料拌匀备用。Cut carrot, red bell pepper and shiitake mushrooms into thick strips. Dice tofu coarsely. Stir the sauce ingredients well.

建筑采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,外立面则使用纹理粗糙的石灰岩材质塑造出富于变化的高差。The reinforced concrete structure is faced in coarsely textured limestone block, which are laid in courses of varying height.

说明对泌乳羊可采用整粒或粗粉的形式投喂玉米。The trial showed that lactating goats can be feeded with whole corn or coarsely cracked corn instead of deeply processed corn.

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林肯郡香肠结构松散、粗短,颇具特色。组成材料猪肉只需粗糙地碾磨,不需剁碎。Lincolnshire sausages are characterised by their open, chunky texture. The constituent pork is coarsely ground rather than minced.

另外,传统的“加性增、乘性降”拥塞控制算法,粒度太粗。Besides this, the control granularity in the traditional "additive increase, multiplicative decrease" algorithm seems rather coarsely.

土豆颜色炸得很深,表面粗糙不平地附着着用孜然粒、干辣椒、花椒、盐,甚至有可能还有味精混合而成的干香辛料。They are dark and ragged with a dry spice mix of coarsely ground cumin, roasted dried chiles, Sichuan peppercorns, salt and maybe MSG.

我反对长时间的拼命做苦工的理由是它强迫我也拼命地吃和喝。I have found it to be the most serious objection to coarse labors long continued, that they compelled me to eat and drink coarsely also.

该文借助知识理论,提出一种新的基于子图像块的区域分割与边缘检测相结合的目标提取方法。Firstly, we coarsely detect the feature image obtained from subimage blocks, the target regions are identified according to prior knowledge.

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如果你需要优质的洁面粉,你可以粗粗磨一些咖啡豆,然后用它们打磨你的面部,能很好地去角质噢。If you need a good facial scrub, you can coarsely grind some coffee beans and use them to scrub your face. They have great exfoliating properties.

如果你需要优质的洁面粉,你可以粗粗磨一些咖啡豆,然后用它们打磨你的面部,能很好地去角质噢。If you need a good facial scrub , you can coarsely grind some coffee beans and use them to scrub your face. They have great exfoliating properties.

分到两个冰过的盘里,洒入其余乳酪碎和黑胡椒。Toss until coated. Divide the salad between two chilled plates and sprinkle each salad with the remaining Parmesan cheese and coarsely ground pepper.