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国家地理。河流与生命系列之莱茵河。N. G. Rivers. And. Life. Rhine. HDTV.

莱茵河发源于瑞士。The River Rhine rises in Switzerland.

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莱因河远在四千英里外。The Rhine was four thousand miles away.

法国沿莱茵河部分河段与德国接壤。France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine.

他还告诉他的继任者不要把帝国疆域延伸到莱茵河之外。He also told his successors to limit the Empire to the Rhine.

南部由莱茵河、马斯河、斯海尔德河的三角洲连接而成。The south by the Rhine , Maas, Schelde River delta connected.

位于德国西南部,莱茵河上曼海姆对面的一座港口城市。A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River opposite Mannheim.

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在第二间书房,举目望去,是莱茵河畔上的平原。The windows in the second looked out over the plain along the Rhine.

莱茵河不断以每小时六、七哩的速度,滔滔滚流,波涛起伏。The Rhine flowed on, swirling and eddying, at six or seven miles an hour.

德国西南部位于曼海姆西北偏北莱茵河上的一座城市。A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River north-northwest of Mannheim.

在莱茵河流域,其中一个小镇的名字就是源自美人鱼罗日雷。In the Rhine were to be found the Lorelei from which the town took its name.

科布伦茨城建立在莱茵河和摩泽尔河的汇合处。The city of Koblenz was established at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel.

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荷兰东部城市,位于莱茵河下游乌得勒支东南偏东部。A city of eastern Netherlands on the lower Rhine River east-southeast of Utrecht.

在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary.

在凯撒大帝的统率下,他们又攻占了高卢和莱茵河以西的整个欧洲。Under the command of Julius Caesar, they took Gaul and all of Europe west of the Rhine.

在这边停下来吃午餐,在莱因河及城堡之间野餐真是一大享受!I stopped here for lunch. It's really pleasant to picnic between a castle and the Rhine.

一旦突破罗尔河,莱茵河与美军之间就是平原。Once over the Roer there was open, relatively flat ground between the Americans and the Rhine.

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德国中西部一城市,位于科隆北部的鲁尔河和莱茵河交汇处。A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne.

一家总部位于莱茵河地区,有实力的收藏机构的生存空间也提升了科隆艺博会的吸引力。The fair’s attraction is boosted by the existence of a strong collector base in the Rhine region.

德国中西部一城市,位于莱茵河和摩泽尔河的交汇口、波恩东南。A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers southeast of Bonn.