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冷却液位应位于内心水准之上。Coolant level should be above the inner core.

冷却液是在压力作用下,可以烫伤你。The coolant is under pressure and could scald you.

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然后,反应堆冷却剂存货会减少。Then you have a decrease in reactor coolant inventory.

持续填注冷却系统,直到冷却剂贮藏箱填满。Continue to fill the system until the coolant tank is full.

液体冷却剂如何?也许放个玻璃钢泵在这儿。How about liquid coolant? Maybe a little aquarium pump here.

我读到一篇文章,文中说美国给日本送去了冷却剂。I read an article that said that the US delivered coolant to Japan.

再加上新的MGR在水箱中用上了冷却液面传感器。Plus new MGR's come with low coolant sensor's in the Expansion tank.

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那么冷却系统不能用拉…他们真的能紧急停堆么?So the coolant system was knocked out, can't they scram the reactor?

此外,与大部分电动汽车不同的是,Leaf不需要冷却液。Also, the Leaf, unlike most electric vehicles, doesn't require coolant.

在少数情况下可能有闷烧的辅助冷却泵。In a few rare cases there may be smouldering of the auxiliary coolant pump.

本文采用水作为发汗剂研究了发汗控制问题。The transpiration control problem is investigated with water as the coolant.

这个原子反应堆使用了一种气态冷冻剂。For decades industrial plants have lined the shores, using water as a coolant.

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几十年以来,湖边的工业工厂鳞次栉比,利用淡水作为冷却剂。For decades industrial plants have lined the shores, using water as a coolant.

所以,最初你们观察它时,它是与,不足的冷却剂有关。So, initially as you looked at it it was associated with insufficient coolant.

工作中突然停水时,应立即停止磨削。When the coolant stops suddenly, the operator should stop grinding immediately.

更换冷却液罐的整个过程要进行3次太空行走,这是第2次。This was the second of three spacewalks in the coolant tank replacement process.

此时,冷却剂在引擎中的循环停止,引擎过热。At this point the coolant stops circulating in the engine and the engine overheats.

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油管的外面被引擎内流通的部分冷冻剂降下温度。The outside of the pipes is cooled by some of the coolant circulated by the engine.

反应堆压力壳构成了主冷却剂压力边界的主体。The reactor vessel constitutes the main part of pressure boundary of primary coolant.

主循环泵转动惯量的取值是停堆初期冷却阶段的关键问题。The running inertia of the main coolant pump is the key problem of the primary phase.