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您的手艺实在棒极了。Your handcraft is really awesome.

景泰蓝是北京的一种传统手工艺品。Cloisonne is a traditional handcraft in Beijing.

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描述一个你自己亲手制作的东西。Describe a handcraft which is made by yourself ?

高黎贡手工造纸博物馆,腾冲,云南。Gaoligong Museum of Handcraft Paper, Yunnan, China.

武强年画业是手工业发展的一个类型。New Year picture of Wuqiang was a kind of handcraft.

动手能力强,有创新精神,能承受压力工作。Good at handcraft . Open minded and creative, can work under high pressure.

茎杆麻可编织保健用品和工艺品,具有很重要的经济价值。Its stem was the material of weaving health products and handcraft products.

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金统治者先后制定了一系列政策扶持农业和手工业的发展。The ruler shaped his course to accelerate agriculture and handcraft industry.

我们可以设计和其他手工饰品风格根据您的需要或图片。We can design and handcraft other jewelry styles according to your needs or photos.

在很久以前,未婚女子在当天晚上祈求自己心灵手巧。Long ago, unmarried girls would pray that they might improve their handcraft skills.

用一块小小的手工皂,承载着我的骄傲与梦想,让我扬帆起航。With small handcraft soap which is full of my pride and dreams, let me start to sail.

手工制作蚕丝被的工艺复杂、辛苦。The handcraft necessary for mulberry silk quilt production is sophisticated and exhausting.

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我有一个全新的手工制作门帘面向全球拍卖,如图,欢迎爱好者竞拍。I have a brand new handcraft curtain for international auction. See below. Welcome to bid up.

无论设计和手工制作和价格,我们的产品都是您的最佳选择。Not matter what the design and the handcraft and price of our Products are all your best choose.

我们能按您的要求或是提供的图片,设计和制作各种精致的图案。We can design and handcraft all kinds of delicate pattern according to your needs or photos, patterns.

凤翔泥塑作为一种符号现象被现代设计加以运用,不能不说是民间传统手工艺术在现代的一次回归浪潮。Fengxiang Clay Sculpture has been used by modern design as a symbol, which represents the return of traditional folk handcraft.

它是至今我国保留最古老、最具民族特色的泥塑类手工制品,被列为国家非物质文化遗产。It is the most ancient and traditional mud handcraft preserved in China and has been listed in the national nonmaterial cultural legacy.

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先后被选送到40几个国家参展,作为礼品赠送给国际友人,成为国与国之间的“友谊使者”。It once selected as excellent handcraft to exhibit in over 40 countries. The leaders of China select it as gift to send its international friends.

传统的手工绘制费工费时,工作效率极低,与地质环境和工程建设项目管理的办公自动化不相适应。However, the traditional handcraft method is so inefficient that it cannot meet with OA in the management on geologic setting and engineering construct.

你可以使用这里提供的资料的片断来打造你的NPC,如果你愿意,也可以跳过本章而自行制作NPC。You can always just use the information provided here piecemeal to handcraft your NPCs, or if you prefer, ignore this chapter and do it all from scratch.