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他已经成为了拥有自然狂猛野性的战士。He has grown into a warrior at one with nature's savagery.

他的野蛮好斗的名声纯系神话。His reputation for savagery and belligerence is nothing but a myth.

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这是一个临床手术,但恐怖的是凶残到如此规模。It was a clinical operation, but awesome in the scale of its savagery.

我们必须明白,美德也有伤害的能力——它能伤害残忍。We have to understand that goodness must also be able to injure -- to injure savagery.

正是这种兽性形了那些关于凶残的歇斯底里的半人半兽的传说。It is this savagery that has given rise to the legends of brutal uncontrollable man-beasts.

在我内心深处,男人都是些搞笑的畜牲,充斥着野性,也包含着一点点善意。I think to myself that men are funny beasts, capable of great savagery and small kindnesses.

可以肯定地说,在人类在使自己完全开化之前,将有许多次的杀戮和野蛮事件发生。We surely have a lot of killing and savagery ahead of us before we fully civilize ourselves.

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他们怒气冲天地冲向城镇的守卫者,他们野蛮的性格和巨大的体型让人望而生畏。Enraged vrykul charge the town's defenders, overwhelming them with their sheer size and savagery.

狂暴战士,暴汉一群古斯堪的纳维亚斗士,传说他们在战斗中野蛮且异常狂暴。One of a band of ancient Norse warriors legendary for their savagery and reckless frenzy in battle.

俄罗斯渴望杀戮波兰军队领导不仅仅是出于凶残。The Russian eagerness to slaughter Poland's military leadership was not simply born out of savagery.

比赛又进行了凶残的两回合,威拉德一方抛出毛巾认输,救了他们血迹斑斑,浑身是伤的拳击手一命。After two more rounds of savagery Willard's corner threw in the towel to rescue their bloody and bruised fighter.

正如许多长期存在的经济关系一样,“薪水粘性”也面临着经济衰退的严峻考验。Like many long-standing economic relationships, “wage stickiness” is being tested by the savagery of the recession.

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进入这片富饶大陆的早期定居者野蛮成行,不假思索,时常令我诧异万分。I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlers approached this rich continent.

卡顿说,司机意识到车上正发生着一起凶杀时把车停了下来,乘客们纷纷惊叫着跑下车。Caton said the driver stopped the bus when he became aware of the savagery going on aboard and passengers scrambled off.

法律是唯一可以让我们远离残暴的工具,因为兽性一直都埋藏在我们心中观察着,伺机而动。Laws are the only thing that separate us from savagery . Because the beast is there inside all of us, watching, waiting.

在他们种族中这些武装着战斧的强大战士展现出野性和灵巧。These powerful fighters arm themselves with mighty battle-axes and display all of the savagery and cunning of their race.

妻子,女儿,孙辈被处以火刑,他们令人发指的兽行宣告结束。The wife, daughters, and grandchildren, were committed to die by fires, and the savagery of their heinous crimes came to an end.

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现在的儿童文学要比以往血腥得多,而且这种阴影也很难被故事中的喜剧因素冲淡。But the savagery we offer children today is more unforgiving than it once was, and the shadows are rarely banished by comic relief.

联想笔记本电脑上有个‘一键恢复’,我刚开始用的时候,不太清楚,一不小心就恢复到了原始状态。Associate have on notebook computer ' one key restores ' , when I just began to use, not quite clear, restored savagery not carefully.

但印度人民遭袭期间所展现的决心和韧性与恐怖分子的野蛮构成鲜明的对比。But the resolve and the resilience of the Indian people during those attacks stood in stark contrast to the savagery of the terrorists.