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这种奇怪之处十分重要。Its oddness is important.

为什么会有这种奇怪的感觉?Why the feeling of oddness?

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但是您可以感觉到的任何奇怪的东西都是表面的。But any oddness that you might perceive is superficial.

他的儿子似乎对他父亲奇怪的举动感到愉快。His son seemed to be taking his father's oddness very pleasantly.

她好象没有敌意,胆小又奇怪。She the good elephant don't have hostility, timidity and then oddness.

卡扎菲疯狂、自恋、怪异的作风似乎是他长久统治的秘诀。Qaddafi’s unhinged narcissistic oddness seems to be the key to his longevity.

但在把索马里海盗渲染成旧式海盗的故事背后,有着不可告人的丑闻。But behind the arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there is an untold scandal.

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我奇怪我的记忆里竟然没有一次挨打的情景。My oddness my memory in unexpectedly have no once the scene for suffering beating.

对明白花,它的怪气是但唯一月光通过窗口。To aware the oddness of the flower, it is but only the moonlight through the window.

他分明听得了伤势的奇怪,联想到那断指。He is clear to listen to the oddness of condition of the injury, associate there to break.

根和枝会改变它们的位置,奇怪的是这会经历一个奇迹。Roots and branches shall change their places, and the oddness of this will pass for a miracle.

那才太奇怪啦。你即使是贵人健忘,可是那一掴之仇,总也不至于完全忘掉啊。That just too oddness. You even if is that the magnate is forgetful, but that slaps of enemy, always be also unlikely to completely forget.

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自从她怀上姐夫的小宝宝以后,我就产生了一种说不清道不明的奇怪感觉。Since she keep in mind up the brother-in-law 's darling child, I produced a kind of can not remember clearly an unidentified oddness felling.

奇怪呀,而且他看到我们这边的光垫居然没有一丝诧异,如果是普通人,怕是要嚷着妖怪逃跑了吧!Oddness ah, and he sees our light mats incredibly have no one silk wondered, if is the prevalent sprint of people, alarm to make the devil run!

但是,令人惊讶的是,在奇闻异事面前,他真正来之不易的成就往往被掩盖了。在我看来,他不过是个偶尔犯错的小孩子。However, it is surprising that oddness always overshadow his real, hard-won achievements. in my opinion, he is just a child who make mistakes occasionally.

这箱子大概二十厘米长,十厘米宽,奇怪的是,这些个箱子没有锁孔,也没有缝隙,不知道怎么才能打开它。This box probably 20 Li rices are long, ten Li rices breadth, oddness of BE, these box didn't lock bore, also have no blind side, don't know how to open it.

“什么怎么办,你别瞎担心,我去见见他,真奇怪,怎么皇上这么快就知道是我了呢?”巧儿奇怪了下。"What how do, Piumino Moncler Donna, you don't be blind to anxiety, I see him, true oddness, how emperhardly ever quick understand is me?"Qiao son oddness next.

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在他们还在奇怪这石室的异处时,传来了花向蓉的声音,“你们两坐到中间的石台上去。”At they still just the another place of oddness this stone house, spread a flower toward the voice of Rong, "you two sit to medium of the stone on the stage go."