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他用磁带作为听觉教材来教英语。He used tapes as aural material to teach English.

听力测验是客观的,可以机械地评分。Aural tests are objective and can be graded mechanically.

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术前行听力学和影像学评估,并严格掌握手术适应证。They were assessed by audiology and aural image before surgery.

为你所需,这些故事由训练有素的剧场演员有声化。Stories are voiced by trained dramatic actors for your aural appeal.

以首调唱名法进行教学,有助于学生音程音感的建立。Teaching by method of tonic solfa, students built up interval aural ability.

本文侧重以助听器选配、验证以及听力康复为主。This paper focuses on hearing aid fitting, verification and aural rehabilitation.

你必须十分努力,把视觉和听觉的体验用文字记下来。You have to make a real effort to put the visual and aural experience into words.

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目的探讨耳内镜在鼓室成形术中的作用。Objective In order to explore the effect of oto-endoscope on aural media operation.

她的耳朵有些毛病,她的耳科医生给了她一些金霉素。She had something wrong with her ear and her aural surgeon gave her some aureomycin.

我对他为何在森林�的香味餐馆歇息的时候被捕感兴趣。I’m interested in why he is arrested while resting in aural restaurant in the forest.

结果表明,非语音是设计听觉用户界面的可行途径。The results show that aural user interface design using non-speech sound is feasible.

加强听觉训练和阅读技巧对于改善视谱能力同样重要。Training aural sense and reading skill go hand in hand when it comes to good sight-reading.

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我将会制作一个视像短片去指导大家如何使用听力训练应用程式以得到最佳效果。I shall make an instruction video as to how to use the aural training apps for the best result.

你不用去看音符,因为你头脑里已经有了声音,这是你听觉记忆的一部分You don't have to read the notes cause you've got the sound in your ears, part of your aural memory.

就像你们儿时听到的童谣,我们同样能记住相当多的儿歌Think about back in your childhood, your nursery rhymes, the capacity of aural material to be retained.

电子激励器和管理激励,同样使用“激励”一词,存在着联系。Aural exciter is related to management incentive in that they have the same aim to make their body excited.

培养音乐感知的视唱练耳教学是音乐表演专业的核心课程。Training music perception of aural training teaching music performance is the ear of professional core courses.

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可听化通过声音来表达数据,涉及到将数据映射到可听范围的处理。Sonification is the use of representations of data through sound, involving a mapping process into the aural realm.

我,大家其实到了另外一个星球,要说咱们对声音材料的处理能力,但是我们,我无法做到那样I--You're just off on a different planet in terms of your capacity to process aural material, but we--I can't do that.

TCD超声检测是一种无创性的检测手段,可以作为评价耳源性眩晕疗效的客观指标。TCD ultrasound is harmless and plays an objective role in assessing the curative effect in patients with aural vertigo.