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我们之所以能够生存,是因为如人择原理所假定,这个宇宙为了适应我们的生存而专门设计的。We live because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence.

我不会试图去解释人择原理,因为我不知道怎么说才不会使它听起来像是无谓的重复。I won't try to explain the anthropic principle, as I am not sure how to do so without making it sound tautological.

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但是,许多科学家都拒绝接受这个人择原理,认为它是不科学的,因为它没有作出任何可以检验的预测。But many cosmologists dismiss the anthropic principle as being non-science, because it makes no testable predictions.

闲暇自古就有,休闲伴随着人类的整个过程。但是对休闲影响最大的莫过于科学技术的发展。Leisure comes with anthropic process history , but the most affection on leisure comes from the science and technology.

在工厂化养殖中,由于受人为的影响,DO与其他环境因子不存在线性关系。Owing to the anthropic factor in the Industrial P. olivaceus Farming, DO isn't linear with other environmental factors.

科学与信仰根据“人类原则”,整个宇宙在最深层的结构上,似乎是单为人类的存在而设计的。According to the "Anthropic Principle, " the substantial structure of the whole universe seems to be designed just for human.

农业土壤碳库是受人为强烈干扰而又可以在较短时间尺度上调节的碳库。Agriculture soil carbon pool can be interrupted strongly by anthropic activity and also can be regulated at a relatively short time scale.

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“人择原理”揭示出在人类诞生之前的宇宙演化存在着“择人”巧合,在人类诞生之后则是“自选择效应”起作用的真正“人择”过程。However, it is "the Effect of Self Selection" that plays the key role in the process of "Anthropic Selection"after the birth of human beings.

在高阶重力当然有人类的论点,即表明本身,而是我宁愿要的生活这一点。In the case of higher order gravity there is of course an anthropic argument that suggests itself but I would rather like to live without this.

近十年来,信息和计算机网络技术的突飞猛进给人类的生产和生活方式带来了巨大的变革。In the last ten years, the development of information technology and web technology brought great change to the anthropic product style and life style.

这种系统数据录入量大、容易引入错误,而且掺杂进许多人为因素,导致了考核结果的可信度降低。This system is input with large quantity of data, which is likely to cause mistakes with many anthropic factors, resulting in reduced credibility of evaluation results.

汽车的出现和发展推动了人类文明的发展,但现在却成为世界能源和环境双重危机的罪魁祸首。The appearance and development of vehicle promoted anthropic civilization, but it has been become the chief criminal about the power and circumstance's pollution of the world.

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在分析了恩氏粘度计产生较大测试误差的人为因素的基础上,探求了提高恩氏粘度计测试准确度的措施。Based on the analyses of the anthropic factors resulting in test error of Engler viscometer , a method for improving the testing accuracy of Engler viscometer is studied in the article.

生态系统作为人类生存条件-资源和环境的保育基础,其管理的重要性已被广泛认识和接受。Ecological systems are the condition of anthropic survival and the basis of the care of resources and environment. The significance of ecosystem management has been understood and accepted.