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将军,三步之内将死。Check, checkmate in three moves.

这对印度来说是死局,找其他解决办法吧。It is checkmate for india. Find different solution.

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生活不像下棋,突破后,仍在继续。In life unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.

在带领围擒的一个交火中捕捉黑色的国王。Catching the black king in a crossfire leading to checkmate.

国际象棋中宣告对手的。国王。被将死的感叹词。Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.

他没有找到一步能够避免被将死的策略。His search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful.

将军。又将?,-显然,你还不够格来玩三维国际象棋。Checkmate. again? -obviously, You're not well suited for three-dimensional chess.

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所以说炒楼团若来到这里,注定大败而归,掀不起大的风浪。So if speculation Mission here, and doomed to checkmate , who can not afford waves.

棋手的最终目的就是将死对方老将,谁将死了对方老将谁就胜了这盘棋。Delivering checkmate is the ultimate goal in chess, and the player who forces it wins the game.

谁第一个将对方击倒或将死谁就是胜利者—这是头脑和肌肉的最终结合!Whoever gets a knockout or a checkmate first wins -it's the ultimate combination of brain and brawn!

我看了看棋盘,突然想到,克莱尔可以用她的骑士来将我的主教。I study the board, and it occurs to me that Clare could checkmate me if she took my bishop with her knight.

和主流拳击赛不同,挑战者不仅要在拳击中击败对手,而且还要在棋赛中置其于“死地”。And unlike mainstream pugilism, fighters can win by not only knocking out their opponent, but also by catching them in checkmate.

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当然我们不应掩饰我们的看法,但就如丘吉尔爵士所说,持续的僵局最后只会导致垮台。We should certainly not disguise our own views. But a continued stalemate can, as Sir Winston Churchill has said, be preferable to a checkmate.

揣测一个人的主要兴趣,以言语要求他,以诱惑促其行动,他必为你所用。First guess a man's ruling passion, appeal to it by a word, set it in motion by temptation, and you will infallibly give checkmate to his freedom of will.

以区区六千人的部队,面对不论兵力和火力都比自己大十五倍的强敌,看来刘伯承几乎处于绝境。With only six thousand troops to face an enemy fifteen times the size of his own in fire power and number, Liu appeared in a position of almost checkmate.

同理,如果在电脑上下国际象棋,为什么把骑士移动到主教3的位置或者其它位置,因为只有那样走才能保护将军。Likewise ,if you are playing a chess computer, the reason why it moves knight to bishop 3 or whatever might be because that's the only move to guard against checkmate.

如果我们放任这些分歧,看着它们被中共所利用,一个阻止了朝鲜侵略行为的联盟将因此分崩离析,垮台的就会是我们。If we were to let these differences, and the Communists' exploitation of them, break up the union that has stopped aggression in Korea the checkmate would be against us.

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我坚持的相信,六千年文明的古中国文明将是地球上唯一个,将挫败“盎格鲁-犹太”西方金融帝国,成为地球的最后的统治者。I firmly believe that the 6000 year old Chinese civilization is the onlycivilization on earth which will checkmate the Anglo-Jewish Western financeempire and become the ruler of the planet.