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公主不慌不忙地揭下面纱。The princess unveiled unhurriedly.

他说话做事总是慢条斯理的。He always speaks slowly and acts unhurriedly.

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优雅地反问他,为什么你想知道?Unhurriedly ask back him, why do you want to know?

它们的枝叶不疾不徐地向着太阳生长。They grow unhurriedly toward the sun that nourishes their foliage.

汽车缓缓地在花岗岩和鹅卵石的路面上行驶。Cars bumble unhurriedly over precision-trimmed granite cobblestones.

一座完全徜徉在人文与历史、生态的养生餐厅。A health restaurant wanders unhurriedly in culture, history, and oecology.

听到了喊声,慢慢地最后出来的是主人。Hearing the shouts, the lord walked out of the house unhurriedly in the end.

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从容不迫的举止比咄咄逼人的态度更能让人折服。It is more convincing to behave calmly and unhurriedly than to air aggressively.

深切的情思沉下去,从容定格,抵达生命的内蕴。The profound affection is sinking, unhurriedly stops, so reaches the very heart of life.

温柔舒缓的反复上下活动你的舌头。The upward and downward motion of your tongue should be done repeatedly and unhurriedly.

同时,在饥火中烧的时候还要慢条斯理地面对食物,从本能上来说就很困难。In the meantime, it is very difficult from the instinct to face the food unhurriedly when you are starving to death.

她们看到,母亲仰坐在土炕上,悠闲地剥着花生,好像什么事情也没有发生。They saw their mother sitting facing upward on the Kang, unhurriedly shucking peanuts as though nothing had happened.

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阿城小说的独特魅力,又会随了我们慢慢的阅读,细细的咀嚼,从字里行间荡漾开来。The distinct feature of Acheng's novel will emerge between the lines when we read his works carefully and unhurriedly.

他从从容容地走到火车站,迟了两分钟,火车已经开走了。But he arrived at the railway station unhurriedly only to find the train already gone, because he was two minutes late.

午休的时间里,找几个朋友一起用餐,高谈阔论,不慌不忙。During the midday rest, Spaniards meet up with friends for lunch, over which they discuss various high flown topics unhurriedly.

我喜欢看雪花静静的飘落,缓缓地,不慌不忙,人的心情也会像雪花那样,静静的,充满安宁。I like the snow flakes flowing down on the wind slowly and unhurriedly . My mood is full of peace and calm like snow flakes falling.

“看谁更贪婪,”阿凡提不慌不忙地说,“他身边没留下皮,他一点不留地把整个西瓜吞下!”"Who is more greedy, "Avanty said unhurriedly , "There were no skins left around him. He swallowed the whole water-melons with nothing left! "

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把罐和盘抛在一边后,我们终于可以欣赏美丽的蝴蝶在花叶中快乐飞翔,白云慢慢驶过天空。With pots and pans aside we could at last enjoy the sight of delicate butterflies fluttering gaily among blooms and bushes, and white clouds sailing unhurriedly.

明美从容地唱着慢板,这歌曲听起来仿佛是侍者们要把座椅翻上桌子,酒吧准备打烊一般。Minmei chorded it unhurriedly , downbeat, so that the song sounded like it was time for the bartenders to be putting chairs upside down on the tables for closing.

除了指定的练习以外,至少每隔一小时就应复诵今天的观念一遍,当你慢条斯理地向自己复诵这句子时,同时缓缓地环顾四周。In addition to the assigned practice periods, repeat the idea for today at least once an hour, looking slowly about you as you say the words unhurriedly to yourself.