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我的结论是什么?What is my conclusion?

那么,他的结论是什么呢?Yet what is his conclusion?

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不同意我的结论?Disagree with our conclusion?

最后一部分是余论。The last one is the conclusion.

我会重新考虑我的结论。I will reconsider my conclusion.

是什么让你有此结论?What led you to that conclusion?

你是怎样得到这个结论的呢How do you reach that conclusion?

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我会重新考虑我的结论。I will re-consider my conclusion.

“福尔摩斯”型的结论。The "Sherlock Holmes" Conclusion.

但这是个负向的结论。But this is a negative conclusion.

最后于第五章作结论。Chapter 5 is the final conclusion.

我意思是我对你的结论抱歉。I mean I am sorry your conclusion.

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你不该轻率地乱下结论。You should not jump at conclusion.

绝望只是傻瓜的结论。Despair is the conclusion of fools.

因此他得到了错误的结论。So he made an incorrect conclusion.

我们是如何理解这个结论的?What do we make of this conclusion?

你不应当匆匆做出结论。You shouldn't jump to a conclusion.

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并归至辉煌之总结――And come to the brilliant conclusion

你凭什么得出这个结论?What do you base this conclusion on?

你凭什么得出这个结论?What do you base this conclusion on?