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瞭望楼的瓦莱丽桑德森向哈里森埃德尔说起了这件事。Outlook's Valerie Sanderson spoke to Harrison Edell.

你可以问问策展人任卓华为什么她要办这个展。You could ask Valerie why she wants to make this show.

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瓦莱丽·尼日利亚是一个毕业于加州大学伯克利分校的自由撰稿人。Valerie Ng is a freelance writer based in Berkeley, CA.

同奥巴马班底中的大多数成员一样,瓦莱里·贾勒特也在芝加哥从政多年。Like much of Obama's team, Valerie Jarrett is rooted in Chicago politics.

一个星期六的周末,范内瑞又热情地邀请我至她家的牧场烤肉。Saturday in weekend, Valerie passionately invited me to her pasture for barbecue.

一个前政府官员说他很遗憾离开CIA情报局。A former government official says he is sorry for outing CIA operative Valerie Plame.

一名联邦法官驳回了瓦莱丽皮恩对白宫高官的指控。A federal judge is dismissing Valerie Plame's lawsuit against top White House officials.

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据至少两个法国政治网站曝光,这名女子名为瓦莱丽·特里尔韦勒。At least two of France's political websites have named the other woman as Valèrie Trierweiler.

奥巴马的首席顾问之一瓦莱丽.贾勒特明确表示,奥巴马不会放弃。One of the president's chief advisors, Valerie Jarrett, makes clear Mr. Obama is not about to give up.

调查由牛津大学癌症流行病学科室主任瓦莱丽毕罗教授开始着手的。The survey was started by Professor Valerie Beral, head of Oxford University's cancer epidemiology unit.

瓦莱丽的第二次婚姻完了,她醒悟到,是性毁了自己的生活。Valerie realized that sex was wrecking her life right around the time her second marriage disintegrated.

奥巴马的家庭密友,总统高级顾问范勒利。嘉来特在一次访谈时说。C. , " Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to the president and a close family friend, said in an interview."

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美国航空公司更新了其往返墨西哥旅费的改变政策,据发言人瓦莱丽讲。US Airways updated its change policies for travel to and from Mexico, according to spokesperson Valerie Wunder.

给大家举一个研究的例子,给你们讲述一个我曾经和,瓦莱里·库尔迈耶以及凯伦·韦恩,一起合作过的研究And to illustrate one of the studies, I'll tell you about a study that I did with Valerie Kuhlmeier and Karen Wynn.

给大家举一个研究的例子,给你们讲述一个我曾经和,瓦莱里·库尔迈耶以及凯伦·韦恩,一起合作过的研究。And to illustrate one of the studies, I'll tell you about a study that I did with Valerie Kuhlmeier and Karen Wynn.

已经定居于此22年的纳瑞·奥斯丁,一个从纽卡斯尔退休的英国人告诉我们说,外星人的参观者正在不断破坏村庄的氛围。Valerie Austin, a retired Briton from Newcastle who settled in Bugarach 22 years ago who said the alien watchers were

我相信,瓦莱丽·贾勒特和陈远美将明智地指导该委员会成员处理这些重要问题。I am confident that Valerie Jarrett and Tina Tchen will guide the Council wisely as its members address these important issues.

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总统和第一夫人普拉姆是听取了前一个事件贾勒特的全国性报纸出版商协会。The President and First Lady are briefed by Valerie Jarrett before an event with the National Newspaper Publishers Association.

主席站在拜登和高级顾问瓦莱丽贾勒特事件之前的艾森豪威尔行政办公楼。The President stands with Biden and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett before an event in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

专访瓦莱丽•贾勒特,总统高级顾问兼助手,负责政府间事务及公共参与事宜。An interview with Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement.