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它带来有活力感,令人眼花缭乱的颜色,和浓郁口味的食物。It lends vibrancy , dazzling color, and deep savoriness to foods.

需要什么才可以产生项目发起人所吹捧的活力?What does it take to generate the vibrancy so touted by the projects' initiators ?

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伦敦是一个多文化的,有活力和自己特性的大都市。London is a multicultural metropolis with a vibrancy and a personality all its own.

最大的挑战在于要让没有生命的物体洋溢着跃动的光芒和生命的光采。The challenge is to make inanimate objects shimmer and glow with vibrancy and life.

您头发的本色缺少更丰富的那种棕色的生机勃勃的感觉,急需加深颜色。Your natural color lacks the vibrancy of richer browns and virtually begs to be deepened.

超声珩磨具有珩磨力小、油石不易堵塞等普通珩磨所没有的优点。Ultrasonic vibrancy honing has many advantages, such as small honing force, long oilstone life.

它的西班牙殖民时期建筑,充满异国情调的色彩和文化活力,都使它变得独一无二。Its Spanish Colonial architecture, exotic color-schemes and cultural vibrancy makes for an unique setting.

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除了家里的温馨卧室,我已经慢慢开始喜欢这个被墙壁围起来的教室所散发出来的活力了。Next to the intimacy of the four-walled bedroom, I learned to enjoy the vibrancy of the four-walled classroom.

乐观的看法是,这股潮流将减少那些博物馆爱好者的特别经历。For all the upbeat talk, the trend can diminish the range and vibrancy of what museumgoers typically experience.

汽车电喇叭是通过膜片振动发出声音的,其音调的高低取决于膜片的振动频率。Automobile electronic trumpet makes a sound by reason of vibrancy of diaphragm and its tone lies on vibrancy frequency.

阿迪加的著作情节惊奇、内容充满活力,与汉宁的音乐特色不谋而合。What Adiga's book and Honing's music have in common is the sound of surprise in the narrative, and a compelling vibrancy.

如果缺乏了像铬黄这样明亮而充满活力的色彩,也许梵高就创造不出来这么具有生命力的向日葵了。Without the vibrancy of the new colors, such as chrome yellow, Van Gogh may never have achieved the intensity of Sunflowers.

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在四分之一决赛上在白鹿巷阿森纳有一场统治性表现,博尔德没有改变对热刺的首发阵容。But Arsenal, who had to come from behind in Round Three and the Quarter Final, emerged from the interval with renewed vigour and vibrancy.

如果送张礼券外加一束纯洁的卷丹,那就更配活力四射的白羊妈妈了。You can also present her a gift certificate and a bunch of tiger lilies, which certainly match the energy and vibrancy of the Aries mothers.

混合用地发展模式聚焦于邻里空间最佳化和有个性的平面设计。A mixed-use land development model will focus on comprehensively planned neighbourhoods maximizing vibrancy and identity in layout and design.

我认为一个国家国力的根本是由人口规模、经济活力和智力活跃的健康程度决定的。I look at the fundamentals of a nation's power as the size of the population, vitality of its economy and health of its intellectual vibrancy.

性爱可以释放愉悦感,性冲动和高潮时激增的内啡呔可以减轻低靡和焦虑感,并增强活力。Mood lifter. Sex releases pleasure-inducing endorphins during arousal and climax that can relieve depression and anxiety, and increase vibrancy.

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如果送张礼券外加一束纯洁的百合,那就更配活力四射的白羊妈妈了。You can also present hera gift certificate and a bunch of tiger lilies, which certainly match the energy level and vibrancy of the Aries mothers.

上海,这座生气盎然、中外公司云集的城市,中国的商业之都,无疑是世博会的理想举办城市。The vibrancy of Shanghai as a business capital of China where foreign and local companies have built businesses is a fitting location for the Expo.

德比的布面丙烯画色彩绚丽,充满活力,作品在她独特的笔触下栩栩如生。Debi's acrylic on canvas paintings are alive with brilliant color as well as an energy and vibrancy that can only be found in her unique brush strokes.