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这种任劳任怨的工作态度是值得我们学习和提倡的。Such work attitude is worthy of study and advocation.

民间门神的演变与皇家对民风的倡导有着直接的关系。The evolvement of folk door spirit had direct connection to the imperial advocation.

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文章从党代会常任制的历史渊源、提出及实践等三个方面对其进行系统阐述。The author makes a systematic study from its historical origin, advocation and practice.

但他在中西医汇通方面的倡导作用素来知之者甚少。However. little was known about his advocation of confluence of Chinese and Western medicine.

加大宣传力度,提高出入境人员的防病意识和能力。Second, strengthen advocation to improve travelers' awareness and capacity of disease prevention.

他热爱文学,也是当时的风气和萧衍的倡导所带来的结果。His passion for literature also was a consequence of the current climate and advocation of the emperor.

这些人思想活跃,喜欢新鲜事物,崇尚创新,而且不愿意承受现实生活中太多的束缚。These people thought, like fresh things, active, and advocation innovation in real life too much to bear.

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另外,与主张的公众教育,以及向上流动的社会阶梯已成为可能。Further more, with the advocation of public education , movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible.

最后从文化层面论证这也是对传统和文化多样性的保护和宣导。As a final conclusion, this article announces that this is also protection and advocation of tradition and cultural diversity.

随着西学大举东来,国内知识分子的大力鼓吹,使得妇女问题开始受到社会的重视。With the introduction of western civilization and the advocation of intellectuals, female problems commenced to be brought in light.

破解这两大观念障碍的方法在于人道主义和人权理念的强调和提倡。It is proposed that the advocation and enforcement of humanitarianism and the idea of human rights are the two ways to clearify the barriers.

它像旗帜一样,象征着现代社会中对竞争力的重新审视和对高效率的推崇。Resembling with a flagship, the figure also symbolizes the modern society's reexamination on competitiveness and its advocation on high efficiency.

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孙和张扬儒家正统的娱乐观念,表明孙吴政权进入中期以后,其第二代人物受到儒家思想的影响而逐渐雅化。The advocation of orthodox Confucian concepts of entertainment indicates that the second generation of the Wu Kingdom turned to have a refined taste.

杜光庭崇尚仙界女性之美和仙境之美,这些是他的道教信仰在美学层面的具体体现。Du Guangting's advocation to the beauty of paradise was mainly reflected in pursuiting the female beauty of paradise and the unusual beauty of fairyland.

旭日帝国崇尚科技,设计出来的部队融合科幻、武术和机械人文化的产物。The rising sun empire advocation science and technology, designs the army fuses science fiction, the martial arts and the mechanical man culture product.

我们倡导并实践“客户至上,服务第一,崇尚行动,鼓励创新,以人为本,敢于负责”的理念。We initiate and practice "the customer to be supreme, serve first, the advocation motion, encourages the innovation, humanist, dares is responsible" idea.

在广大公众还普遍缺乏带薪休假底气的今天,一味高喊“农民工带薪休假”,恐怕还是难逃“叫好不叫座”的结局。As the public have no right to get the paid vocation, the hard advocation of migrant workers' paid vocation will supposedly lead to "the castle in the air".

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通商口岸的开埠和地方政府、绅商的积极倡导、支持推动了它们的外向型发展。The opening-up of the commercial ports and the active advocation and support of the local government and merchants promoted their export-oriented development.

在新文化运动中,胡适创导“诗国革命”而成为我国的新诗鼻祖。During new cultural movement period, Hushi was universally known as the founder of the Chinese free verse due to his advocation of "Revolution in the kingdom".

范鸿仙是南社社员中的杰出代表人物,他积极宣传资产阶级民主主义的革命主张,成为资产阶级民主主义革命舆论的旗手。He actively propagated the revolutionary advocation of the bourgeois democratism and turned out to be a standard-bearer of bourgeois-democratic revolution opinion.