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搞活你的屏幕!Enliven your screen!

我搞活谁我会的。And I enliven whom I will.

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它可以搞活和欢呼了您的宝宝。It can enliven and cheer up your baby.

放开价格,搞活市场。Relax price control, enliven the market.

他换了个话题来活跃一下气氛。He sidetracked to enliven the atmosphere.

快乐的惊喜令人心快乐且有朝气。Happy SURPRISES gladden the heart and enliven us.

开放和搞活住房二级市场的目标。Opening up and enliven the secondary housing market.

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这些活力四射的鞋子会给小黑裙带来点睛之效。These sassy shoes will enliven little black dresses.

若要搞活经济,定要繁荣市场。In order to enliven economy, we must prosper the market.

要搞活经济就要扶持正当的个体贸易。To enliven our economy, we should support the legal individual trade.

你将能够搞活您网站中的直接意义,这两个字。You will be able to enliven your site in the direct meaning of this word.

他们可能需要这种戏剧性的场面,来活跃董事会枯燥的气氛。Perhaps they need the drama to enliven the sterile atmosphere of the boardroom.

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当前,要搞活农村经济,必须拓宽农产品市场空间。To enliven rural economy, market space for agricultural products must be expanded.

好热闹的年轻人常出些洋相逗乐,或表演些“山羊舞”、“鹅舞”之类的小节目活跃气氛。Young people perfORm the "goat dance" OR the "goose dance" to enliven the atmosphere.

采用多种多样活跃学生生活的班级管理措施是农村教师亟待加强、掌握和实践的。The rural teachers need to enhance, master and practice flexible measures to enliven students.

不管你怎么拿它,都能点亮你的下午茶时刻,装扮你的餐具柜哦。No matter how you grab it, it’s guaranteed to enliven your coffee break and perk up your pantry.

在今年的发展商业工作计划中,有搞活市场的若干措施。There are several measures to enliven the market in the plan of commercial development this year.

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此外,它还能让无趣的话题变得生动、紧张的气氛得到调节,帮助说话者拉近与听者间的距离。It can enliven dull topics, diffuse tense situations and help the speaker connect with the audience.

你将发现在图像和想法之间的某种联系,而这个联系将激活和拓展你的工作。You'll start seeing connections between the images and ideas that will enliven and expand your work.

我猜想,他渴望弄些禁书,好在这寒冷的边境为那些孤独的漫漫长夜添些活力。I guess he longed for contraband that would enliven those long, lonely nights on the frigid frontier.