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老板是个不苟言笑的人。The boss is an unsmiling man.

我们都板着脸,看着对方。We stared at each other, unsmiling.

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她是一位脾气暴躁、身材矮胖、不苟言笑的女人。She is a hot-tempered, stout, and unsmiling woman.

这位夫人是个大块头、不苟言笑的人,身穿一件黑色紧身衣。She was a big, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

兰伯尔夫人是一位身材高大、表情严肃的女人,穿着一件紧身的黑衣服。Mrs Rombold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

兰姆伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大而且不爱笑的女人,穿着紧身黑色衣裙。Mrs rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

兰伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大、表情严肃的女人,穿一件紧身的黑衣服。Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

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兰伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大而且不爱笑的女人,穿着紧身黑色衣裙。Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling ladcdfds. com in a tight black dress.

她是一个很高大,严肃的穿着紧身黑裙子的夫人。Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

相反,北韩领导人金正日在欢迎卢武铉的时候面无笑容。By contrast, Mr. Kim was unsmiling as he greeted his South Korean counterpart.

不苟言笑的侍者茫然地看了我一眼。The unsmiling waiter gave me a blank look, so I strode off inside to search for it myself.

我不喜欢和张坐,因为他是个身材高大,表情严肃的同学,穿一件紧身的黑色夹克。I don't like stayed with Zhang because he was a large, unsmiling student in a tight black jacket.

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但是作为杀手的他竟然和一名能够敏锐的看穿他内心的牧师成为了朋友。However, he becomes unlikely friends with a priest, who studies his quiet unsmiling character keenly.

有一天在一个晚宴上,主人让他坐在一位身材高大、满脸严肃的女士身边,那位女士身穿黑色的紧身晚礼服。One day at a dinner party, he was asked to sit next to a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

她顺着她母亲的视线,瞬间与阑浩先生的没有笑容的眼睛碰了个正着。She followed her mother's gaze and had her eyes momentarily captured by Mr. Langhorn's unsmiling ones.

李小诺愤怒地觉得,她和何家琪的小资婚礼就是被她婆婆一张不高兴的脸给搅掉了。Li Xiaonuo is angry that He Jiaqi and her petty bourgeoisie wedding was ruined by her mother-in-law's unsmiling face.

至于梅吉,她简直没法把特丽萨满脸笑容、矮矮胖胖的妈妈和她自己那面无笑容、颀长苗条的妈妈相提并论。As for Meggie, she was incapable of equating Teresa's beaming, portly little mother with her own slender unsmiling mother.

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带着薄边眼睛,高额头、严肃的冈田武史可能是几乎不会笑的日本埃里克森。With his thin-rimmed specs and high forehead the stern-faced Takeshi Okada could almost be an unsmiling Japanese Sven-Goran Eriksson.

但是,有一次,玩笑却开到了他的头上。有一天在一个晚宴上,主人让他坐在一位身材高大、满脸严肃的女士身边,那位女士身穿黑色的紧身晚礼服。But once a joke was played on him. ①One day at a dinner party, he was asked to sit next to a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

兰伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大、表情严肃的女人,穿一件紧身的黑衣服。Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.