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小脑和大脑皮层都可以收到来自体觉系统的输入信息。Both cerebellum and neocortex receive input from the somatosensory system.

结果显示,视觉系统和体感系统的快速适应具有许多相似之处。The results indicate great similarity of rapid adaptation in visual and somatosensory system.

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与药物成瘾者不同的是,肥胖者提高躯体感觉皮层的代谢。Different from drug-addicted subjects, obese subjects have increased metabolism in somatosensory cortex.

所有患者在大脑躯体感觉皮层均有明确损伤。这一区域控制脸及口齿。All had identical lesions in the somatosensory cortex of the brain, an area that controls the face, mouth and gums.

在我们重复这些动作的过程中,网络向我们的视觉、感觉和听觉的大脑皮层稳定的传输信息流。As we go through these motions, the net delivers a steady stream of inputs to our visual, somatosensory and auditory cortices.

他们确定的是在被称为躯体感觉皮质的一片大脑区域肯定发生了什么,但心理层面上的反应也促使了错觉的产生。Something is surely happening in a brain region called the somatosensory cortex, but psychological responses are also involved.

罗格的色带环皮层的脑岛和外侧几乎完全损坏,但是他的躯体感觉皮层是完好的。Roger has nearly complete damage to his insula and anterior cingulate cortex, but his somatosensory cortex is completely intact.

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结合躯体感觉和运动诱发电位监测可以检测出大部分患者的早期脊髓损伤。Combined somatosensory and motor evoked potential monitoring allows the detection of early spinal cord dysfunction in most patients.

该系统实现了听觉、视觉和体感等瞬态诱发电位的记录和分析,并且可以分析稳态诱发电位。The HYS-EP1 can not only measure visual, auditory and somatosensory potentials, but can also analyze the steady-state evoked potentials.

他们相信这第二种途径是从皮肤到躯体感觉皮层,这是大脑中反映身体内部的一部分组成。This second pathway, they believe, runs from the skin to the somatosensory cortex, which is the part of the brain that maps the external body.

本文首先设计实现了一种新型的体感诱发电位电流刺激器,该刺激器采用恒流脉冲电刺激,便于评价刺激参数。In order to evoke somatosensory EP, a new current stimulator wasdesigned, which produces pulse current to stimulate trunk and limb of patients.

事实上,如果你画一张人体示意图,在这张示意图中,将躯体感觉皮层面积与身体相对应,那么你就会得到这样的一张图In fact, if you draw a diagram of a person, what their body is corresponding to the amount of somatosensory cortex, you get something like that.

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早期的时日漂浮在羊水中度过,感觉官能缺乏,新生动物的躯体感觉皮质发生变化的时机已经成熟。Having spent the prior weeks with the senses deprived while afloat in amniotic fluid, a newborn animal's somatosensory cortex is ripe for change.

晚婴型脑白质营养不良诱发电位改变及诊断价值探讨。Changes of brainstem auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials in late infantile form of metachromatic leukodystrophy and the diagnostic value.

但如果八齿鼠缺少了父亲的养育,原本应在出生后早期阶段生长繁茂的躯体感觉皮质的神经突触将会萎缩。But instead of flourishing in the early postnatal days, the synapses of the somatosensory cortex wither away when degus are raised without a father.

均行肿瘤显微切除术,术中以体感诱发电位、自发肌电图监测和超声定位辅助肿瘤切除。All the patients were treated by microsurgery assisted with somatosensory evoked potential, electromyographic monitoring and ultrasound localization.

经MRI检查,研究人员发现这三例患者大脑体觉区均有损伤,此区接近手及语言运动区。Using an MRI, researchers found all three patients had lesions in the somatosensory area of the brain, which is close to the hand and speech motor areas.

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丘脑背外后核的多种形式会聚可能是家鸽丘脑对四肢躯体感觉传入信息进行整合和加工的基础。The multiform convergence within DLP probably provides the foundation for integration of the somatosensory inputs from the extremities in the thalamus of pigeon.

术后4、8、12周进行一般情况观察、组织形态学检查、体感诱发电位检查和计算机图像分析。After 4,8 and 12 weeks, we did general observation, histological morphological examination, somatosensory evoked potential examination and image analysis by computer.

躯体的每一个部分都映射到大脑的体觉皮层上的不同区域,并且正如所发生的那样,属于手那部分的区域紧邻脸的区域。Each part of the body is represented by a different region of the somatosensory cortex, and, as it happens, the region for the hand is adjacent to the region for the face.