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催乳素产生高潮后的满足感。Prolactin produces a sense of satiety after orgasm.

贝拉尔认为,一个更为有趣的研究课题是泌乳刺激素。Beral thinks a more interesting candidate for study is prolactin.

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蓓拉尔想到个很有趣的研究方案,催乳素。Beral thinks a more interesting candidate for study is prolactin.

在试验中,动物注射催乳素立即会变得昏昏欲睡。In tests, animals injected with prolactin became drowsy immediately.

吮吸导致母亲体内催产素和催乳素的释放。Suckling causes the release of oxytocin and prolactin in the mother.

血清素和催乳激素则未有改善。Levels of serotonin and prolactin were not influenced by music therapy.

选择对泌乳素影响小的抗精神病药物是关键。It is important to choose antipsychotic drugs with little effect on prolactin.

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有些不规则排卵的患者垂体腺分泌过多催乳素。Some women ovulate irregularly because their pituitary glands secrete too much prolactin.

缺失催乳激素基因的老鼠爸爸没有形成任何与子女特别相关的脑细胞。Mouse fathers that had the prolactin gene turned off did not form any offspring-specific brain cells.

结论雌激素可以通过雌激素受体直接影响垂体催乳素细胞。Conclusion Estrogen plays a direct role in regulating pituitary prolactin cells through estrogen receptors.

目的探讨系统性红斑狼疮患者血清泌乳素与性激素水平的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between the levels of prolactin and sex hormones of the patients with SLE.

必要是还要检验其它激素水平,包括黄体生成素,雌二醇和催乳素。If indicated, your doctor may check other hormone levels, including luteinizing hormone, estradiol, and prolactin.

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激素治疗是适当的为那些谁也太少,睾酮或太多催乳素在他们的血液。Hormone treatments are appropriate for those who have too little testosterone or too much prolactin in their blood.

自然状态下,睡觉的时候泌乳刺激素水平更高,给动物注射这种化学物质它就会立马疲倦。Prolactin levels are naturally higher during sleep, and animals injected with the chemical become tired immediately.

父亲与子女玩耍时形成的脑细胞被一种称作催乳激素的荷尔蒙所控制。The brain cells that formed when a father interacted with his offspring were also regulated by a hormone called prolactin.

提示,在肝硬化基础上的原发性肝癌形成过程中,雌二醇和泌乳素可能具有促进作用。It is suggested that estradiol and prolactin may be carcinogenic factors of primary liver cancer with accompanying liver cirrhosis.

血清催乳素的浓度随着给药剂量的升高而下降,乳腺组织催乳素受体上调。Serum prolactin concentration had a trend to decrease with increasing dose and prolactin receptors in mammary gland were up-regulated.

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在大鼠基因组数据库中搜索得到两个泌乳刺激素基因家族的新成员。In this study, we identified two novel members of prolactin gene family in rat by blast searches against the published genomic database.

介绍了催乳素生理、精神药物引起的高催乳素血症、高催乳素血症的表现及处理。The review presentes prolactin physiology, hyperprolactinemia induced by psychotropic drugs, phenomenon and treatment of hyperprolactinemia.

雄酮,雌酮,生长激素,人绒毛膜促性腺激素,黄体酮,垂体激素,催乳激素,纯结晶胰岛素。Androsterone, Estrone, Growth hormone, Human chorionic gonadotropin hCG, Luteohormone, Pituitary hormone, Prolactin and Pure Crystalline Insulin.