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它们生病而死亡。They sicken and die.

但患病乳区以一个为主。Sicken udder number only one.

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当芳香的紫罗兰凋残。Odours, when sweet violets sicken.

这只狗开始生病并且很快就死了。The dog began to sicken and soon died.

沿海的索马里人开始生病。The coastal population began to sicken.

那动物开始生病,不久就死了。The animal began to sicken and soon died.

熟知风暴的人,厌恶宁静。----桃乐西‧派克。They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.

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然而有时病毒能够使人患病。However sometimes the virus can sicken humans.

当他们见到我安然无恙的时候,便开始害怕了。When they saw that I did not sicken they grew afraid.

他逐渐对互联网上无休无尽的暴力感到厌恶。He began to sicken of the endless violence shown on Internet.

生病的孩子睡着后,他妈妈蹑手蹑脚进来了。When the sicken child feel into asleep, the mother slipped in.

而这还不能确定是否会引起海龟死亡或得病。It was uncertain whether that would kill or sicken the turtles.

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如果未被给予适当的尊重,它将病弱和消亡。When not treated with reasonable respect it will sicken and die.

在此,请不要忘记我们还患有“煤瘾”和“天然气瘾”,这些瘾同样造成污染,使人生病,夺去人的生命。And don't forget coal and natural gas. They also pollute, sicken and kill.

三十岁之先,望睹立陈龌龊的的士皆口烦,托付!After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me. Ok !

只有席蒲顿妈妈—以前是他们中最坚强的—似乎虚弱、憔悴。Only Mother Shipton-once the strongest of the party-seemed to sicken and fade.

但是牛奶中含有白血球会使牛奶变厚或使牛奶更快变质。But the milk is full of white blood cells that sicken thicken and make the milk go bad more quickly.

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脏水中的病毒,细菌和其他有机物每年使得亿万人患病。Viruses, bacteria and other organisms in dirty water sicken hundreds of millions of people every year.

在不洁的水中的病毒、细菌和微生物每年导致成百上万的人生病。Viruses, bacteria and other organisms in dirty water sicken hundreds of millions of people every year.

脏水中的病毒,细菌和其他有机物每年使得亿万人患病。Viruses, bacteria and other organisms in dirty water sicken hundreds of millions of people every year.