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希腊的会计记录并不不可靠。It has a record of dodgy accounting.

他是个诡计多端家伙,我一点都不相信他。He's a dodgy bloke, I wouldn't trust him an inch.

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科学与政治的交汇处是个微妙的地方。The crossroads of science and politics is a dodgy place.

他们不会记得安菲尔德的莫须有进球,也不会记得摩纳哥的糟糕换人。They won't remember dodgy goals at Anfield or bad decisions in Monaco.

西方可能会利用这次选举舞弊作为借口来进行政治调整。The West should use the dodgy election as a pretext for political change.

同意。骗来的钱财实际上也需要一个家,全世界都如此。Agreed. A worldwide epidemic of dodgy money needing a home. Literally. -h.

在大的邻国眼里,她不过是做一些见不得人的生意的避风港而已。Larger neighbours regard it as merely a haven for dodgy business dealings.

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通过未经消毒的奶瓶喝用水配置的配方可能会害了她。Unsterilised baby bottles and formula made with dodgy water could kill her.

只是在有问题的街区散步就被当成"潜在嫌疑犯“。Just strolling around in a dodgy neighborhood can mark you as a potential suspect.

她说道,“他利用善于骗人的餐馆‘考验’约会对象,淘汰了那些不愿冒险的食客。He used dodgy restaurants to ‘test’ his dates and weed out the unadventurous eaters.

这些珍贵的数据在那些影响社会安定的不法分子眼中就是利益。This treasure-trove of data is of great interest to certain dodgy elements of society.

挑拨离间者可用这些虚假的许可证冒充安全网站。These dodgy documents could allow mischief-makers to impersonate supposedly secure websites.

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他开始发出搞笑的声音,我也附和着大笑,就像白天电视节目里抨击可怕贷款广告的主持人一样。He is starting to sound, I laugh, like one of those adverts on daytime TV flogging dodgy loans.

财阀制度被证明易于进行商业欺诈,做假账,以及从事非法的政治献金。The chaebol system has proved prone to fraud, dodgy accounting and illegal political contributions.

这听上去就像是一场中国收购外国资产的运动——拿不可靠的美元换取铜矿。That sounds like a Chinese campaign to buy up foreign assets—exchanging dodgy dollars for copper mines.

危险的驾驶员,开得歪歪扭扭的车子,坑坑洼洼的道路,会是一个致命的组合。Dangerous drivers in dodgy vehicles on ill-designed and dismally maintained roads make a lethal cocktail.

大制药公司善于运用各种阴谋诡计,尤其是滥用“道德”牌来保护自己医药产品的盈利。Yes. Amongst other dodgy tricks Big Pharma misuses 'ethics' to protect the profitability of their products.

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这位杀手由于大腿拉伤的缘故,已经缺席了最近的两场比赛,但是这四天都有参加训练。The hit-man has missed the last two matches with a dodgy thigh strain but has trained for the last four days.

到周日我就会好了。昨晚我睡得不错,不过是1点睡到6点,所以会感觉有点危险。By Sunday I'll be fine. Last night I slept okay, but it was only from 1am until 6am, so I will feel a bit dodgy.

不难猜想她正与普京暗中勾结,换取俄罗斯对其当选的帮助。It is not hard to imagine her doing dodgy deals with Mr Putin in exchange for Russian help to keep her in power.