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你喜欢骑自行车吗?Do you enjoy cycling?

你什么时候开始骑自行车的?When did you start cycling?

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我不认识那位骑脚车的男孩子。I don't know the cycling boy.

北京大学自行车协会。Cycling Association, Peking Uni.

杰克热衷于骑自行车和听爵士音乐。Jack is great on cycling and jazz.

我的爱好是游泳和骑脚车。My hobbies are swimming and cycling.

循环群是否有网站?Does the cycling group have a website?

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但是这些地方很多都允许汽车。But a lot of these places allow cycling.

荷兰是自行车的终极王国。Holland is the ultimate cycling country.

在快车道上骑车不行。Cycling along the motorway is not allowed.

你要建立一支自行车队。One, you're going to create a cycling team.

我有两天的时间沿着南海岸骑自行车。I have 2 days cycling along the south coast.

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我非常喜欢骑自行车和散步之类的活动。I really like things like cycling and walking.

在第二张立几个年轻人在骑自行车。In the second one, some young men are cycling.

周末的时候风太大了,不能骑自行车。It was too windy at the weekend to go cycling.

今年,我发现了骑行的美妙。This year, I discovered the wonders of cycling.

悠游于花莲滨海自行车道内。Cycling around the Hualien sea-front bike trail.

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车友们骑行在第二跨桥上。Cart faithful in the second cross-bridge cycling.

很快,王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅行产生了兴趣。Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too.

很快,王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅游产生了兴趣。Wang Wei soon got time interested in cycling too.