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所以,孕产妇应慎用风油精。So, pregnant puerpera Ying Shen uses wind oily energy.

孕产妇发生出血性脑血管病的机制还不十分清楚。It is very not clear still that pregnant puerpera produces a mechanism.

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但不同地区剖宫产率不同,剖宫产指征也有差异。其中城市远高于较偏僻地区。Puerpera who took cesarean section took place in city and mountain area in 2005.

于是,带给产妇自然温馨的“导乐分娩法”便风行开了。Then, bring a puerpera natural warmth "guide happy childbirth law "faddish left.

无症状性细菌尿常见于妊娠妇女、产妇及女孩。Without make water of semiotic sex bacterium common reach the girl at gravid woman, puerpera.

目的了解母婴同室病房产妇的睡眠状况及相关因素。Objective To investigate status of sleep of rooming-in periods puerpera and its relative factors.

目的探讨导乐陪伴分娩对产妇身心方面的影响。Objective To discuss psychosomatic influence of Doula delivery as compared with non Doula delivery on puerpera.

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常饮米酒,皮肤润滑光泽,产妇和妇女经期饮用,尤有益处。Constant drink rice wine, the skin is lubricant burnish, puerpera and woman period are drinkable, have profit especially.

产妇在产后需要给新生儿喂奶,如果过多食用巧克力,对哺乳婴儿的发育会产生不良的影响。The puerpera gives a new life in postpartum need nurse, if cross much edible chocolate, to lactation infantile development can produce undesirable effect.

对产妇来说,增加了肠粘连、附件炎症、伤口感染、子宫内膜异位症等发生的机会。To the puerpera , added other of the film inside infection of inflammation of alvine adhesion, accessory, cut, uterus the velar opportunity such as disease.

如果产妇在临产前大小便不易排出,可通过灌肠和导尿的措施,使大小便排尽。If the puerpera is in, face antenatal relieve oneself not easy eduction, can adopt the measure of enema and catheterization, make relieve oneself is discharged.

目的观察产褥期抑郁症与新生儿性别、分娩方式、产后出血、产妇文化程度的关系。Objective To observe the connection between postpartum depression and newborn sex, delivery pattern, postpartum hemorrhage and the educational level of puerpera.

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目前的技术可以做到减痛分娩或者是完全无痛的分娩,这完全取决于产妇的要求与反应。Current technology can be accomplished reduce painful delivery complete perhaps painless labors, this depends on completely the puerpera 's requirement and reaction.

有心律失常的孕妇、产妇能否承受妊娠、分娩及产后的一系列负担,关键在于心脏的代偿功能。The pregnant woman with intentional wrong law, puerpera whether bear gravid , childbirth and postpartum a series of burdens, the key depends on function of cardiac acting countervail.