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这痕迹是朝着上方的。The tendentious track is upwards.

这就引出了新闻的倾向性问题。This has drawn out the news tendentious question.

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参战国送出宣传性的报告。Countries engaged in war send tendentious reports.

励志剧,或是宣传天主教的宗教片?Spiritual drama – or tendentious piece of Catholic proselytising?

这种有倾向性的说法可能招致强烈的反对。Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.

显示生活的言行都是带有情绪化和倾向性的。Display the words and deeds are living with emotional and tendentious.

在互联网媒体上发布企业自身的宣传性文章。The tendentious text of enterprise oneself is released on Internet media.

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作为政府的权力机构,作出如此充满倾向性的表态,显然有失公允。As a government authority, so full of tendentious statement clearly lacking in balance.

对于卫报来说,不加深究就把他奉为研究爱因斯坦的专家是具有偏见的,让人误入歧途的。For the Guardian to cite him as an expert on Einstein without further comment is tendentious and misleading.

说“有错”并不代表我是偏见的反核能源新闻从事者——虽然这在当今很常见了。By “not free of errors” I do not refer to tendentious anti-nuclear journalism – that is quite normal these days.

阿努蓬希望媒体进行公正报道,不进行有倾向性的报道。The Arab League vertical stroke loose hope media carries on the fair report, does not carry on has the tendentious report.

在客观报道的伪装下,记者发表偏见的可能性,实不亚于一个公然发表私见的作家。Under the cloak of objective reporting the reporter can be as tendentious as the writer who openly expresses his own opinion.

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此外艺术家通过画面“倾向性张力”结构、视错觉、心理感受等手段使壁画产生流动感。Besides, artists produce the mobility of fresco by means of structure of "Tendentious Tension", collimation error, and psychological effect.

我们要进一步巩固和扩大全省经济发展的良好态势,更要注意研究存在的倾向性问题。We will further consolidate and expand to the economic development of the province's good posture, more attention to study tendentious question.

有作者倾向性的这个化学公司的历史掩盖了其在历史上最灾难性的环境污染事件中扮演的角色。The author's tendentious history of the chemical company glosses over its role in one of the most catastrophic environmental accidents in history.

无论捷克的专家团体还是我本人,都不能接受您由一则主观而富倾向性的报道产生的偏激且极为单一的意见。Neither the Czech expert public, nor myself, can accept your radical and extremely simplified opinion caused by an emotive, and very tendentious article.

招标文件不得要求或者标明特定的投标人或者产品,以及含有倾向性或者排斥潜在投标人的其他内容。The bid-invitation documents may not require or indicate certain bidders or products, or contain tendentious contents or other contents repulsing potential bidders.

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直到现在,达尔富尔自己的声音,除了由各种成分的反抗组织发出的巴洛克式并时常带有偏见性的声明之外,大部分的声音都失于无人倾听。Until now, the voices of the Darfuris themselves, apart from the baroque and often tendentious pronouncements of the various rebel groups, have largely gone unheard.

这种说法第一次在布鲁斯·佩里1991年出版的一本有倾向性的传记中出现时,批评如潮,但是马拉贝坚持认为现在证据更加确凿。When this suggestion first surfaced, in a tendentious 1991 biography by Bruce Perry, the criticism was huge, but Marable insists that the evidence is now more compelling.

我着意通过学术史研究之研究,去发现学术研究中的薄弱点、偏误点、分歧点、空白点及其他倾向性问题,进而做出自己的建构。Through my studies, I try to find out in academic studies weaknesses, errors, different viewpoints, vacancies and other tendentious issues so as to form my own construction.