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实证论与新实证论也是如此。So are the monistic doctrines of positivism and neopositivism.

因之,法律实证主义在实践上具有更稳健、妥切、现实的品格。Legal positivism is more steady, proper and realistic in practice.

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功利主义法学无疑是具有代表性的法学理论。Benthamism jurisprudence and Positivism jurisprudence is representative.

霍布斯是现代实证主义法学和分析法学的先驱。Hobbes is a precursor of modern positivism and analytical jurisprudence.

孔德实证主义与法约尔管理过程论是密切相关的。Conde positivism is closely related to Fayol theory of management process.

他本可以选择附和当时处于上升期的凯恩斯主义和实证主义。He might have chosen to echo the rising Keynesianism and positivism of his day.

对于政治体制改革,中国采取了实证主义的立场。China is taking a rather Positivism stand toward its remodeling of political system.

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实证主义断然否定那些采用目的论做研究的领域。Positivism flatly denies that any field of inquiry is open for teleological research.

涂尔干的社会学方法论是实证主义的,也是唯理性—科学主义的。His methodology of social sciences is positivism as well as rationalism and scientism.

揭发实证论的一切谬见,因而驳斥它们,这是认识论的任务。It is the task of epistemology to unmask the fallacies of positivism and to refute them.

它是对受实证主义思潮影响的古典犯罪论体系的扬弃。This system sublates the classic criminal theory system who is influenced by positivism.

实证主义史学思潮早在20世纪初年就已在中国传播。History positivism thought back in the early years of the 20th century has spread in China.

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“新红学”的基本构成是“实证与实录合一”。New Hongxue" is essentially composed of the union of positivism approach and true records."

此种见解自然与实证主义史学的取向已不可同日而语。Such views of nature and history of the orientation of positivism has been a huge difference.

侦查学研究方法主要有实证方法和阐释方法两种基本类型。And then there are two categories of fundamental methods, Viz. , positivism and interpretation.

确立医事鉴定人出庭作证制度以及完善医事鉴定结论书。The medical expertise system is discussed not only theoretically but also in way of positivism.

对宪法规范予以类型化择定并进行相应的分析具有较高的实证参考价值。There is a significant positivism referenced value to settle and analyze constitution articles.

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在知识界,拥护这种不宽容的专制的,以实证论为代表。In the intellectual sphere the advocacy of this intolerant tyranny is represented by positivism.

逻辑实证论典范至今仍是最为普遍被校长们使用的知识典范。Logical positivism is still the most popular knowledge paradigm for junior high school principals.

学者们多以“基于渊源的”来概括法律实证主义关于法律规则有效性之判准的诸论点。Source-based has been widely used to generalize the criteria of legal validity of legal positivism.