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他在他的船体上用星星作装饰。He starred his boat.

他在这部影片中担任男主角。He was starred in this film.

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那位演员在许多电影中演主角。The actor has starred in many films.

斯特里普以及中国影星刘烨参与了拍摄。It starred Meryl Streep and China's Liu Ye.

我也喜欢他出演的每一部影片。I also like almost every movie he starred in.

在本词典中,最常用的单词前加有星号。The commonest words are starred in this dictionary.

它由一些世界顶级的歌剧演唱家担任主角。It starred some of the world's greatest opera singers.

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她主演的一出戏称为“费城故事”。She starred in a play called "The Philadelphia Story."

闪耀之星的高兴会使我狂喜甚至灵魂上的疯狂。The starred delights will enrapture my soul to insanity.

在这张表里,加星号的问题是最难的。In the list the starred questions are the most difficult.

由霍夫曼主演的影片一直受到观众的好评。The films in which Hoffmann starred have been well received.

菜单上标有星号的菜最宜素食者选用。The starred dishes on the menu are suitable for vegetarians.

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而Grint则在喜剧片“狂野目标”中担任主演。And Grint recently starred in the farce comedy "Wild Target".

他的石头没有打中我,却把我身后的玻璃炸开了花。His stone didn't throw at me but starred the glass behind me.

卓别林的电影是自制,自导,自编,自演的。Chaplin produced, directed, and wrote the movies he starred in.

他主演的哈姆雷特,罗密欧与茱丽叶和乔奥顿的哄抢。He has starred in Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Joe Orton's Loot.

他们共同出演,在一九四九年“的源泉。”They starred together in "The Fountainhead" in nineteen forty-nine.

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尽管一个著名演员担任主角,那个电影并不受欢迎。Though a famous actor starred in the film , it is not well received.

她主演电影中,像“绅士爱美人”在1963五十。She starred in films like "Gentleman Prefer Blondes" in nineteen fifty-three.

他们主演的大屏幕奇观克娄巴特拉在1963。They starred together in the big-screen spectacle Cleopatra, released in 1963.