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战争的合法性有关系吗?Does the Lawfulness of War Matter?

不具备合法性和真实性的其他证据材料。Other evidence materials that lack lawfulness and authenticity.

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科学、公正、合法是鉴定结论的生命。Science, justice and lawfulness is the key to the offectiveness of expert conclusions.

欧盟改善了新东欧成员的经济、政府以及法制。The EU has improved the economies, governments, and lawfulness of its new eastern members.

我国现行高校学生处罚性措施的合法性分析。The second part analyses the lawfulness of current punitive measures of colleges in our country.

建构非法证据排除规则是证据合法性、可靠性以及法律真实的必然要求。Lawfulness and feasibility of evidence require the construction of exclusive rule sof illegal evidence.

当认识到我们所有的行动都必须合法的时候,勉强合法就是在“正直”方面的不合格。We recognize that while all our actions must be lawful, mere lawfulness is an inadequate test of integrity.

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狩猎长屋提高城邑法律和部队训练程度,同时为城邑提供食物来源。The Hunters longhouse increases military training and lawfulness and supplies food for the local settlement.

卢梭追求政治合法性使其民主思想在理论和实践上具有强大的张力。Rousseau's pursuit of political lawfulness gives his democratic thought strong tension in theory and practice.

即便米尔顿本人也不愿为那些女奴的自由所呼号,辩解,或是反对这种私底下的暴行“Not Milton himself would cry up liberty to poor female slaves or plead for the lawfulness or resisting a private tyranny.

只有教育惩戒程序规范,才能确保高校教育惩戒合法、合理、公正、公平。Standard process of disciplinary punishment can assure disciplinary punishment lawfulness , reasonable, justice, fairness and so on.

决策承办单位应当对重大行政决策方案草案进行合法性论证。The undertaking department should conduct an expert argumentation on the lawfulness of the major administrative decision-making plan.

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最残忍的虐待行为或许就不会发生,而美国就不会看到它的法制美名在下水道中给拖垮了。The worst abuses might never have happened, and America would not have seen its reputation for lawfulness dragged through the sewers.

就如大肠杆菌的移动,行为模块的激发建立在大脑中偶然性和规律性因素的相互作用的基础之上。As with abacterium's locomotion, the activation of behavioural modules is basedon the interplay between chance and lawfulness in the brain.

我们不对这些内容的正确性,合理性,有益性,合法性进行保证,监控,支持或作任何声明。We do not guarantee, monitor, endorse or make any other statement on the correction, suitability, convenience and lawfulness of the content.

医疗行为正当性与适法性的基础,刑法学说常以现行刑法第22条「业务上之正当行为,不罚」做为论述论据。Some scholars are of the opinion that paragraph 22 of Taiwan's Criminal Code "the proper behavior of occupation shall not be punished" accounts for its lawfulness.

相反,这一修改性措施在可操作性、制度效益评估、规范的体系定位及合宪性审查等方面都有疑问。There is doubt in aspects such as operation, evaluation of the rule's efficiency, its position in the regular system and its lawfulness according to the Constitution.

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对于侵占罪的成立,确认占有事实是否存在比判断占有性质是否合法更为重要。For the determination of the crime of misappropriation, the affirmation of the fact of possession is more important than the determination of lawfulness of the possession.

尽管如此,这场合法性受到质疑的战争的一个影响可能是美国是否是一个遵从法律正义原则的国家的事实受到继续腐蚀。Nonetheless, one impact of a war of dubious lawfulness may be the continued erosion of respect for the United States as a nation committed to principles of justice under law.

为了保证仲裁裁决的公正性和仲裁程序的合法性,仲裁裁决的既判力仍应受到法律必要的控制与审查。In order to guarantee the fairness of the award and the lawfulness of the arbitration procedure, the validity of the award should be under the necessary control and examination of laws.