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他是个优秀的男中音歌手。He's a fine baritone.

他是我的唯一的男中音。He's my only baritone.

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男低音还是男中音?。Is he a bass or a baritone?

他是男低音还是男中音?。Is he a bass or a baritone?

你唱男低音还是男中音?。Do you sing bass or baritone?

黄铜由萨克斯男中音,巴黎的CA。Brass baritone by Adolphe Sax, Paris ca.

黑漆的塞尔默的男中音,巴黎的CA。Black lacquer baritone by by Selmer, Paris ca.

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每天早晨,我都能听到男中音浑厚的声音。Every morning I can hear a rich voice of the baritone.

忽然,一种浑厚的男中音向我飘来。Abrupt, a kind of simple and honest baritone waves to me.

这套歌曲的原调就是为男中音而设而这也是笔者的声部。This song cycle is for baritone , which is also author's voice.

这么宽洪的声音,唱个男中音一点问题也没有!Such a broad and resonant voice has no problem singing baritone.

这时,我听到一个令人舒缓的男中音,我转过去看到了他。Then I heard that soothing baritone voice. I turned and there he was.

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届时,观众就可以欣赏到“世界第一男中音”里奥·努奇的精彩表演。With leading baritone Leo Nucci taking part, the performance is set to be spectacular.

他年轻时以为自己是唱男中音的料,但不久老师使他相信,他是男高音。As a young man he thought he was a baritone. But teachers soon convinced him that he was a tenor.

成千上万的听众和观众都狂热地追捧他的节目,陶醉于他极具磁性的苏格兰男音中。Hundreds of thousands of listeners and viewers tuned in eagerly to hear his abrasive Scots baritone.

同时,论述了解决男中音高音训练的途径和训练的方法。Meanwhile, it discusses the approach to solving high pitch training of baritone and training methods.

奥巴马终于迈着轻松的步伐走上台,开始用他那迷人的男中音演讲。Mr Obama eventually moseys onto the stage and starts massaging the crowd with his seductive baritone.

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牛蛙的叫声很深沉并能产生回响,这声音类似于母牛的哞哞声,这就是牛蛙名字的来源。The baritone call of the bullfrog is so deep and resonant, it resembles the mooing of a cow, hence its name.

大多数男性同样善于举起很重的东西,唱男中音和点燃自己的胸毛。Most men are also better at lifting very heavy objects, singing baritone and setting their chest hair on fire.

中国男中音歌唱家廖昌永在维也纳金色大厅举办了独唱音乐会,成为首位在此举办独唱会的中国男中音。The Golden Hall of Vienna played host to Liao Changyong's vocal solo concert, the first by a Chinese baritone.