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它是支小喇叭。It's a small trumpet.

他正在吹喇叭。He is blowing a trumpet.

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让预言的号角奏鸣!The trumpet of a prophecy!

当风吹起它的小喇叭。When the win blows his trumpet.

他喜欢自我吹嘘。He likes blowing his own trumpet.

生活有点像一个喇叭。Life is something like a trumpet.

我在学校乐队里吹小号。I play trumpet in the school band.

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他年轻的时候是位喇叭手。He was a trumpet when he was young.

让预言的号角奏鸣!哦,风啊。The trumpet of a prophecy! O, Wind.

你想不想学吹小喇叭?。Would you like to learn the trumpet ?

突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。A blast of the trumpet gave her a start.

云南民众倾情相送。Yunnan people dedecates road of a trumpet.

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尖音小号,号角中世纪号角,能发出尖利、清晰的音响。A medieval trumpet with a shrill clear tone.

在真实世界里,天鹅更不会吹小号。In real life, a swan doesn't blow a trumpet.

我们会先听到碎弓,然后是小号We'll hear the tremolo and then the trumpet.

我哥哥在管乐队里吹喇叭。My brother plays the trumpet in a brass band.

忽然,他们听见有人在吹小号。Suddenly, they heard someone playing trumpet.

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他吹小喇叭之类的东西。He plays the trumpet or something of the kind.

小号插入了什么样的节奏呢What rhythmic device is the trumpet inserting?

绝不像攀缘的凌霄花。I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper.