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什么是肠痉挛?怎么引起的?该怎么治疗?。What is alvine convulsion? How cause? How should treat?

连续两天一直拉肚子是肠道问题么?Successive two days all the time is have loose bowels alvine path problem?

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手术后形成肠粘连的原因有几种?。A few kinds does the reason that alvine adhesion forms after the operation have?

你好你是医生吗?你怎么知道怀孕小腹疼痛就是宫外孕呢?Hello are you a doctor? How do you know to be pregnant is alvine ache ectopic pregnancy?

痛感为腰骶酸困疼痛,伴有小腹坠疼、白带增多。Pain for the lumbosacral acid trapped pain, pain, leucorrhea with alvine pendant increase.

请问有什么治疗肠道癌的偏方、祖传秘方?What treats the folk prescription of alvine path cancer, ancestral secret recipe excuse me?

哪位妇科医生能告诉我小腹经常疼痛,月经也不规律,怎么办?。Which gynecologist can tell me alvine often ache, menstruation also not the rule, how to do?

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肠部淋巴结炎症怎么办?症状表现?饮食须注意?How does inflammation of alvine ministry lymph node do? Semiotic expression? Must food notice?

还可以按摩腹部,被动增加肠蠕动,以防止便秘的发生。Still can massage abdomen, passivity increases alvine peristalsis, in order to prevent costive happening.

试纸检测阳性,为什么小腹会痛呢?跟来月经似的。Test paper detects electropositive , why is alvine meeting painful? With forthcoming month classics like.

也有人认为,肠道寄生虫也可引起这种过敏反应性炎症。Also somebody thinks, alvine path helminth also can cause inflammation of this kind of allergic reactivity.

因此也不能排除肠道细菌在溃疡性结肠炎发病中的作用。The action in also cannot eliminating alvine path bacterium to come on in cankerous sex colonitis accordingly.

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月经过多,时间过长,大约为15天左右还未完。小腹时有疼痛。Menstruation is overmuch, time is too long, return unfinished for 15 days or so about. Alvine ache from time to tome.

许多肠道腹泻患者发病的一个重要诱因是无节制饮用冰镇水。A when patients of a lot of alvine path diarrhoea come on important inducement is water of incontinent drinkable iced.

致死量或亚致死量的全身照射能使广泛的骨髓和肠道细胞死亡。Deadly quantity or inferior the systemic illuminate of deadly quantity can make extensive marrow and alvine path cell die.

需腹部按摩,鼓励病人多行走,给予轻泻剂或生理盐水灌肠刺激肠蠕动。Need abdomen to massage, encourage a patient to walk more, give laxative or stimulation of physiological saline clyster alvine peristalsis.

饮水及饮料,保持肠道粪便中水分,以利通便,如早晨饮蜂蜜水等。Water reach beverage, retain the moisture in alvine path excrement and urine, with benefit aperient, wait like water of morning drink honey.

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请问腰酸,小腹坠疼,白带有时呈粉状,有异味,是什么炎症。The waist is excuse me acerbity, alvine object ache, leucorrhoea is shown sometimes farinaceous, have peculiar smell, it is what inflammation.

另外动物实验中,若大肠肠道内是无菌的,则往往不能形成溃疡性结肠炎的动物模型。Animal experiment is additionally medium, if large intestine is aseptic inside alvine path, often cannot form the animal model of cankerous sex colonitis.

如果走路时不紧缩小腹,不管你走多少路,也无法刺激你的腹部肌肉,你的小腹就不会缩小。If walk when incompact and contractible abdomen, no matter you walk along how many, also cannot stimulate your abdominal muscle, your alvine won't narrow.